Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Addon help?
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I've had a bit of trouble getting addons such as GHI to work and I've been trying for a while. I have the GHI folder saved in the interface - addons folder. Do I need to do something with the lua files after this? Or can I just leave them in the GHI folder? I've got the addon downloaded but it doesn't come up in the addon list on the loading screen.

I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to this sort of thing, so help would be appreciated. Thank you :)
If you don't feel comfortable with installing the addons yourself, I'd suggest using the curse client. It has GHI.

Other issues may be version, check addons at the character selection screen, see if it's out of date, or disabled for another reason.
Goarn brings up an excellent point. By default, addons that are out of date (in other words, that haven't had their version number updated to reflect the current patch) will not be active. In order to ensure that they work, you'll have to click a little button on the top-right of the AddOn List when you're at the character selection screen. It says Load out of date AddOns.

Keep in mind, however, that addons should be updated when possible. Sometimes the code changes or other things have been tweaked; loading addons that are out-of-date can result in errors and sometimes conflicts with other addons. Many times the patch version is just updated, but sometimes addons do get overhauled or changed.
To be crystal clear, are your addons actually located in your WoW folder/Interface/AddOns? Or are they located somewhere else, like Data/enUS/Interface/AddOns?
Occasionally people tend to make the mistake of creating an Addons folder in the latter area, when it should be in the prior.
Thanks all! And Kretol, that was exactly my mistake. Thank you! :)