Conquest of the Horde

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As a couple a' y'all may have noticed, I've dissapeared for a while.

This was due to RL ganking me hard going into deep space to hunt evil aliens.

I really wanna' appologise to all the folks that could've done with a heads up about this absence. Sowweh!

I will, however, be "re-activating" soonish.

In other news, pictures from the recent debating competition alien-hunting seminar...

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...And random Marvel-inspired short-story-ness spawned from absolute boredom and missing RP during loooong 20 hours train rides light-speed-warp-bursts (that are long).

Corey, a thin gangly kid in his early twenties, was leaning against the side of the window of his small apartment as he peered out into the park across the street. There, flying around the tree-tops of the uncannily healthy pines sprouted within the last three days in the park situated in the middle of the busy city, he saw the blonde girl – She was the one who worked the cashier at the bank, now flying around the tree-tops. Every Saturday she'd be there, he knew. And every friggin' Saturday it'd have to be tossing the ball and playing around with that other flyer dude, the lean and buff fellow, always with the smile. He knew the type – always playing the right moves to get a girl, never carried by the honesty of a crush as deep as Corey's was. He'd even changed banks to Unlimited Banking so he could have to do with her more, but that'd only led him as far as offering her an awkward smile and getting to read her nametag “Linda <Flyer, cashier>”.

Disheartened, he fell back onto his bed. 2020 was not what it was cracked up to be. Sure, there were jetpacks, people could live without getting a job and very few people died before the age of a hundred – and those that did usually did so because of misuse of their powers – but he felt that he'd gotten entirely short-changed in the emergence of this brave new world. The support group for “Low-self-esteem-inducing powers” hadn't helped either. Not at all. Some six years ago, for reasons still debated – ranging from genetics to modifications in the sun's rays to intergalactic radiation – mankind had received a boost. A big one. Changing what mankind meant. Like in the comic books of the previous century and in the action movies of the new one – men could fly, emit energy rays, shape shift, heal and use their minds to warp and curve reality and its many facets. Mysticism often affected minds and hearts, and technology was allowed to feed on an endless array of new energy sources, bursting in the last few years to almost unimaginable heights. With super-powers for all of mankind, wars were short, and the fallout was easily reduced to weeks when they occurred.

Corey had been excited to no end when the realization came that the mutation or evolution or the boost or the whatever-you-called-it, was not to be an isolated or limited phenomenon, but a change to affect all. And then, amongst the last in his neighborhood, he received his power. It felt as a tingle at first, as if a new part of him had become available, a new sense or organ that could be used. Within a couple of hours, it begun to feel like a natural part of him, and – with excited determination, he chose to trigger this new self of his. The pain was not all that unbearable, the senses, now warped, were not that hard to accustom to. Even his human psyche wasn't that hard to push into the small being's body. But upon the realization that he was scratching at the ground in his back-yard and that he felt an unfamiliar yet urgent need to return to a flock, upon realizing that flapping his forward members produced not even a glide above the ground, only embarrassment overwhelmed Corey. For Corey had become a chicken. To be precise – Corey was a cock. The limited joy of coming back to human form had lasted mere hours, while the disappointment that his power was to become a semi-self-conscious chicken lasted to this very day.

As the young avian shape shifter sighed, peering up at his ceiling once more, he grasped at thoughts of hope. For a couple of months, reports had been coming in of a few confirmed cases of secondary mutations taking place – new powers, forms and levels of already-existing abilities would appear for a few chosen few. What Corey relied on, however, was the idea that these mutations were speculated to be an incoming stage of the evolution all of mankind was going through – that secondary mutations would happen for all eventually. As he closed his eyes, Corey envisioned himself as a giant condor, gliding above the city and mountains, shifting back into human form before her after flying with Lisa for many hours.

His eyes burst open as realization struck him and he threw open his APCom. The All-Purpose-Communicator had been the epitome of communication technology for nearly two weeks now, with the neural brainwave reader technology fully implemented into it. As the device read Corey's mental input directly, by the time the device was open, revealing its screen, it already displayed a full brief on the new drug Corey had heard a news report on a couple of days ago. “Banshee”, as it was called, was a substance that seemed, not without some potentially fatal risk, to force-trigger secondary mutations. It was rumored to have multiple side-effects, like lack of control of said powers or making the new powers highly dependent of the initial ones, but the gallus-xenomorph never got to that part of the brief. Within the hour, Corey was dressed and out the door, all of his savings carried with him on special APCards.

Within another hour, using the APCom, he was facing a large man inside a dark room – a man known only as Trigger. The odd warehouse-like abandoned building the one-way negotiation took place in had a familiar tinge of bird excrement to it, though faded. After a very civilized, though sprinkled with multiple vulgarities every few words, description of the “Banshee” offer Trigger was “marketing”, Corey soon handed the dealer his cards. Within another hour, strapped into a chair, tied tightly, the red goo of Banshee injected into his body, Corey began to spasm. Upon his embarrassing alternate self, through the sweat and spasms of the banshee forcing his body into evolution, he felt another side emerge, and, jerking himself out of the chair yet another hour later, he reached at the new part to use it. Three hours it had taken – and now he would be free. Free to be proud, free to belong to a world of excellence.

As he closed his eyes, he panicked at the feeling of the shape shift into bird form, and became even more distressed as he realized he had gone into rooster form. Yet, after an instant of that panic, he rejoiced as he felt reality soon begin to curve around him and a blue glow surround him. Chicken or no chicken – whatever this was – it was gonna' be a cool power. Soon, reality began to change around him, a fourth dimension to the universe allowing him to move through it, as he took what he felt was a wide step “back” through it. The first thing he saw as he powered down was the window of the warehouse, now a not-so-abandoned building. The sun's color suggested he was somewhere else, though he recognized the building in its overall shape. The machinery he then saw inside of it reminded him of the technology available when he was a kid. Around him, other chicken seemed to be gathered, bred in pens for what should have been meat consumption, as back before the boost, animal meat was consumed rather than the better synthetic meat. While he could not express the wide grin he felt without lips and only a beak, Corey the chicken flapped his wings in excitement.

He was a time-traveler now – one of the most respected powers to be had. Life would change and would become what he was entitled to have. Now all he had to do was close his eyes and concentrate into using the power to go back forward to whence he came. Yet his concentration was soon broken by a large man picking up the gallumorph by his legs and picking it up. Scared, Corey tried to shift back into human form, but, as the following minutes proved – this was impossible in a time different than his own. Banshee had fused his old power to his new one. He could not reach out in any way.

On the 21st of March, 2009, Corey Watson ate an ‘X'tra Spicy Chicken Leg. It was his own.

On the 25th of July, 2020, Corey Watson was last seen entering an abandoned chicken breeding warehouse.

But that's all fine

On the 3rd of June, 2020, young Daniel Verghoff's secondary mutation caused the Universe to stop existing.
Eeeee! <3 *Glomp and leech onto*

I missed you!

U iz bak! Now I can beat yo faec in!
Welcome back. /golfclap
Excellent. Welcome back!
*Feels the <3*
welkum bak qT
Welcome back nubfaise. Now Chad has another victim to annoy! <3
Welcome back!

Now get back to work!
That story was great, made me chuckle!

And just for that you get a welcome back from me too!
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