Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Roshne`s Introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player.:
I have been a faithful gamer for the majority of my life, and what one might call a roleplayer for almost as long. I consider myself a thinking man, almost constantly theorizing and formulating concepts for storylines, system mechanics, strategies, and the exploration of the deeper world beyond what is given to us by the writers and developers of games of most kinds. I have applied my interests not only to writing fanfiction and creating adventures using a paperback roleplaying system based on existing franchises (as well as my own), such as The Dark Crystal, but also to the fleshing-out of the roleplaying avatars of my friends and the structure of most of my guilds. My studious nature is not limited to writing, and I make it my hobby to asses and analyze a great variety of subjects, many WoW-related, and make practical my knowledge to the further betterment of anyone who might accept my aid. I always strive to be as unrepentantly gentlemanly as possible, treating my acquantinces with all due respect and attempting to "lighten the mood" with appropriate humor. I have every intention of abiding by the rules of my hosts at Conquest of the Horde and conforming to the wishes of the administration.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?
I was born and raised within the United States, ergo English is my primary language. In addition, I've an adequate knowledge of Spanish.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
As a young lad, my father introduced me to Tides of Darkness, a game that utterly captured my imagination and whose lore-packed manual I would devour and re-read many times over. Simply put, I could have taught a course on Warcraft lore in my boyhood. However, I did not get into World of Warcraft until afterthe first month of The Burning Crusade's release; I had instead been playing a bounty hunter in Star Wars Galaxies before Sony Online Entertainment made too many distasteful alterations to the combat system.

What made you seek our server over others?:
To be perfectly honest, I grow quite weary of the common "roleplaying" community I currently deal with in Moon Guard, as well as the dreadfully static and lifeless world in which we are constrained to in the public servers. I seek a relatively small, mature society with which to develop my ideas and explore my curiosities in a world that I understand to be quite pliable as far as wordly changes are concerned (that is to say, without a dependancy on phasing). If the order maintained and the level of maturity required on this forum is any indication, I am happy to inform you that this is surely the roleplaying community I have been looking since the estrangement of my city/guild after the "fall" of Star Wars Galaxies.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
I harbor few preferences in regard to the style of roleplay that I take part in. In fact, I openly accept a diversity in pace ranging from sipping a glass of wine with a friend in a warm inn to leading the charge against a battalion of enemies, shouting warcries to enkindle fury in my allies.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
Considering the myriad characteristics that make each playable species outstanding if handled correctly, there is little arguement in my mind that the Tauren hold a particularly special place in my heart. I adore their reverence toward the natural world and its preservation; I relate to their desire for peace but perpetual readiness to defend their way of life. Their conservative, tribal tendencies brings to one a feeling of simplicity, virtue, and decisiveness; their beastial features form a sense of something that is...beautifully inhuman.

What are your expectations of this server?:
I expect only to spend my time here, if accepted, reliving the "good old days" of paperback roleplaying with a group of like-minded adventurers and tale-weavers, regardless of each individual's experience in the field. I wish both to teach and be taught.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
Without rival, my favoured regulation of this server is its emphasis on respect towards all members. Nothing ruins a stimulating and fulfilling experience quite like a moment of altercation stemming from inconsideration, ignorance, or simple spite. This one considers his fellows as a family, and no-one wants to live in a house divided.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
I humbly request that I postpone the writing of a story until I apply for Gruntship, if I am ever in a position to move up.

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
As I am currently in the middle of moving, I will probably be unable to actually repatch my computer to play on your server for a maximum of a few months. Still, I am certain it will be worth the wait.
Welcome-- To Conquest of the Horde!
Hello, my name is Walluce and I hope you have a fantastic time here with us on our humble roleplaying server. If you have any comments, concerns or questions not already answered on the wiki feel free to private message one of us colorful GM folk!

Happy roleplaying and I hope to see you in-game!