Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: FallowFears`s Introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player.:
I have played video games since i was about 10 years old, i am now 22, i used to love games like sonic and mario, who didnt right? My first RPG was Diablo 1 on the playstation, ever since then ive fallen for all types of RPGs, love them!

As far as Roleplaying goes, as a player i prefer roleplaying the "normal" guy, i dont like roleplaying someone who is a God, i have no issue with people who roleplay this way, whatever makes you happy i guess, ive played roleplay servers on NwN called Haze and was even a DM there, it was a Hardcore setting, low levels, no magic, permadeath environment, so because of this i enjoy playing that way.

Games for me are not a relief from real life but i enjoy them in my spare time, i am a very sociable person, enjoy drinking as most people my age, enjoy partying, i work in a bar, so it comes naturally.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?
I am from England, born and raised. from a major city. I have never been abroard which bothers me little, however i do plan to at some point this year, seems im missing quite alot.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
I got into WoW when it first came out, i played everquest before that for a few months, but ive always love Blizzard and the warcraft franchise, so naturally i began playing this.

What made you seek our server over others?:
I was looking for an MMO to get into with a little RP, i didnt really "get" the public rp servers, and i didnt know private servers existed, when i came across this one i was shocked but deffinetly in a good way.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
I enjoy roleplayed dungeon crawls with small groups, very satisfying for me. all types of roleplay are good roleplay IMO though, and i certainly wouldnt pass up any oppurtunity that was thrown my way to indulge in some.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
Favourtie race? hmm, i would have to say Blood elves personally, i like the whole elven thing, i think its great for Roleplay, especially seen as they are horde side, they have great history and good reasoning to be where they are in the current WoW world and time line.

What are your expectations of this server?:
I know its a small server community wise, which is excellent, i love the fact you have this aproval system to make sure you only get your target players. My expectations are that i have found a server that i can enjoy WoW on, with the very good added bonus of having a small community that shares the same enjoyment for RP as me.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
I suppose the two that appeal to me more, are the roleplay in character rule, and the respect rule. Most people who are just "up for levelling" will not even bother to log in when they see the in character rule, and it insures you only get your target players!

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
"How do i get out of here?", Ryan says, knee deep in water, the walls surrounding him seem to be moving closer together, he searches around and begins to pile things ontop of one another, the sound of metal rubbing on metal fills the air as he gets faster and faster.

A voice comes over a tanoid "Captain, Luitenant Ivan is just above you, there a grate on the roof if you can get to it, the luitenant can pull you out"

"Where are you?" Captian Ryan shouts. "I am on the ship Sir", the tanoid voice replys. "Well, thats alright for some!" the captain snarls back, he scales the self stacked metal toward the roof, where he can see the long arm of Luitenant ivan hanging down the hole where the grate cover was, he grabs it and ivans head pops down "Sir" Ivan says with a nod. "Luitenant" the captain replys.

Ivan heaves the captain up easily, standing at 6 foot 10, ivan peers over most men. He hands the captain a rifle and they set off down a long corridor.

"which way to the ship Luitenant?" the captain says with a crisp tone. "Its on the otherside of the station sir, there are two more prisoners being held on the north side, one of them is your daughter", ivan says in a professional manner.

They continue down the next hallway which takes the two men into a large room, it is empty, trashed, "looks like someone lost something captain" Ivan says with a grimace as he eyes the wrecked room. "Aye, but what?" the captain kicks around some of the junk on the floor, there is the sound of a door opening on the far side of the room, they both dive for cover, a dozen or so troops wearing Ferrik Trade Company uniform spill into the room.

Captain Ryan and Ivan seem to know exactly what is coming "on the count of three" Ryan whispers, "one... two... Three!"

((this is a short peice from a much larger story i wrote))

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
Are there many new starters that come through here?

Which side is favoured most by the players? Alliance or horde?
Hello there and welcome to the server!

We do get a fair amount of "new starters" here, but I'd say it's pretty balanced and generally most people catch on pretty quickly.

As for the most populous race, which I guess is what you're after, it tends to vary a lot from day to day, hour to hour even. It depends a lot on events and what people feel like playing the moment. I've been away for some time so I'm not sure which faction/race holds the most sway right now though, your best bet is probably to create a character in your favourite faction and start some roleplay! People come when they know they can get some, hehe.
Thankyou very much for the quick reply! x