Conquest of the Horde

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It's not you, it's me.

I got myself some vanilla/offical/retail WoW game time rolled an orcish death knight and am having fun playing with a friend who's back to playing WoW again.

Back, whenever I get bored to the level/gold/trade skill grind!
Good luck and have fun! If you can, try out some of the new instances. Icecrown Citadel in particular is pretty interesting (if sometimes intimidating), though Trial of the Crusader can be done in around an hour with a competent group.

Gearing your death knight should be fairly easy as well. They introduced a battlegroup-wide Looking For Group system that pairs you with other people from your battlegroup. It's great for leveling and, even better, you can get rewards for completing your quests, including loot while leveling and badges once you reach Northrend.
Blizzard has made this very easy. You got automatic dungeon finders and everything... And death knight's pertty fun dungeon and in pvp. The runic power/diseases is a nice mixture of warrior's rage and rogues combo points.

I also keep hearing rumors of more possible heroic classes.
Well, Got three 80's, a Lock, Paladin and Death Knight. Lich King's fallen once, got to roll need for a neat sword for my Blood Elf warlock, but the Mage won the roll. Then I took a weeks brake after that, as retail started to taiste like eating woodchips, and got kicked out of my raid guild... So I'll be back soonish for some RP. Once I figure out the adresses and updates, etc.