Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Wiki Profile Approval?
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I have come to notice there is no existing page profile for either Arylon, Eldreth or Rydiah, my three approved characters. I was told that waiting was enough, but in recent changes, I notice people who were approved after, or just roughly along with me, have gotten their profiles up in the Wiki.

So I was wondering, is there some kind of questionnaire or application I must first fulfill (beyond Gruntship's own ones) before my profiles are put online? Or is it really just a normal waiting time?
It's a normal waiting time, and it varies hugely from character profile to character profile, probably because of other circumstances just as much as the character him (or her)self.

Case in point: One of my characters was put up on the wiki after being in the 'profiles' section for only three days. It took another four for it to appear there, but you get the idea. I'm pretty gleeful about that one.

On the other hand, Lene has been waiting for in the forums for over a month now. It's a variable thing.

The bottom line is to just play your characters, and use clothes instead of armor if you think their current armor looks stupid. Works for me.
Huh. That's because the GM who approved them didn't put them on the Wiki yet.

I have a slight feeling it might've been me who forgot to do that... I'll try to fix it up now for you, or I'll do it when I get back home from my friends birthday party. Unless some other GM takes care of it before that.

/bows deeply
I know when I'm leveling people, the wiki is where I check for the approved profile. If it is not there, then I check to ensure the profile is either in the approved archives, or the 'Approved Pending Gruntship' subforum and copy it over as I'm doing the leveling. If a GM leveled you and did not put your profile on the wiki, then they are not doing what they should be!

And durn Loxy for responding before me. Buh!
Aaah. Your characters haven't been moved from Approved Profiles Pending Gruntship yet. That's why they're not on the Wiki.

Hurr, inb4 Kretol. <3
Weird, I noticed a bit ago that Sprockey isn't on the Wiki. No big deal though, considering I got the levels and such that come with gruntship and approval.
I see. So I guess I shall be waiting.

Thanks for replying so efficiently - and sorry for any trouble I might have caused.
On at least one of those profiles, the owner put it up herself. I waited an afternoon after I'd had a lovely GM (who also took the opportunity to gab with me afterward!) leveled Piroska; when the article wasn't created, I decided to take the initiative and put it up there myself. I was impatient and, as usual, I didn't want to bother the staff any more than I needed! I figured that the worst I'd get was a slap on the wrist or a clonk on the head.

Since this thread exists, can I just quickly point out Nathaniel's profile has been approved since November and still isn't in the wiki? Just in case the Gm's overlooked it somehow :>
It's the mysterious wiki snatcher
[Image: 4121209.jpg]
Just to note, the way the porting should work is that once a profile gets approved, if the player is already a grunt it should just get ported over. If they're not a grunt yet, the profile should -not- be ported to the wiki. Once the person becomes a grunt, then the GM should move the profile from the Approved Pending Gruntship forum into the archives after porting the profile to the wiki.
As I mentioned previously, when I'm doing the leveling, the wiki is the first place I check. If it's there, I do a quick verification to ensure it was a GM that posted it (as it should be ported over only if the player is a Grunt, as stated above), do the level and make a note in the discussion page of the profile. If a player posted it, I check to ensure they're a Grunt and then proceed as per normal.