Conquest of the Horde

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Tomorrow I submit my grunt questionnaire! :D

Who's happy? None of ya'? Coo' woooh! :3
Huzzah, person that I have seen around yet haven't been able to interact with! I think...

Couple of tips for your Gruntship application:
  • Take the questionnaire seriously. Give detailed, insightful, and helpful answers. Even if it isn't necessary, the questionnaire does help the staff.
  • Don't be surprised if you aren't immediately promoted. I was lucky; I think I only waited a day (though I think that I checked almost every hour, I was so excited!). My good friend Krilari waited, phew, a couple of days? All I know is that I kept sending him Private Messages during his wait and he kept thinking it was the staff letting him know he'd been promoted. Mean, I know!
  • When you are promoted, your characters that have accepted profiles can be leveled to 80. To do this, log into that character when the staff are online (they usually make a global announcement asking if there are any tickets) and put in a ticket requesting that you be able to level your character. Afterward, talk to Mok'tar in Warsong Gulch (Horde-side, I believe).
  • Once you're done talking to Mok'tar, you'll leveled to 80 and given 10 tokens. Be careful if you choose to spend your gold learning all of your abilities; you can (and most likely will) spend the vast majority of your gold that way!

Good luck in your application, Jetniss! Hopefully you'll be sporting that green name!
Thanks! :O
Yay woo! hope you gets it approved and quick!
Piroska makes too good posts.



Good luck on your future grunting! ; )

Thanks thanks. :)
Did I hear see my name mentioned?
That 'O' should be 'L'..

Oh well. Congratulations and jubilations!
Azheron Wrote:Piroska makes too good posts.

I need to start offering classes. You, too, can make insightful, helpful, and information posts! Call me now!
Barrenschat, guys!
Uhm, nevermind.
Anyway, good luck, mate! :)
Will there be party? If so, will there be cake and punch?

I shat not congratulate unless I know these important facts here.


Kidding, congratulations!