Conquest of the Horde

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Rensin Wrote:I think people would abuse this, and by the sounds of the "They are getting attacked then OOCly killing stuff anyways", they are currently abusing it anyhow.
I think it's more about the people who would get one-shotted by mobs in an area they should be able to RP in. Obviously, OOC level doesn't represent IC experience, and a very capable warrior in Northrend may only be level 5. If they have to RP dying the second a wolf sees them... Well, I guess the point I'm trying to make is that we don't need to use Blizzard's combat system to enforce the idea that places are dangerous.

Edit: I do agree we should keep cross-faction things hostile, but mobs and beasts in places where it can be hard to RP if you're low level create more interference than realism.
Not keen on the idea... the basics, at least, have been stated for the most part.
I think the whole keep cities hostile thing is a good compromise...don't forget enemy towns as well.
I'm all for this. All the Pro's have beens stated, and the cons debunked.
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