Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Arenas!
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Well, I thought as a promotion for Old Horde RP we could open up the Orgrimmar Arena. This would be for Thrall and Hellscream's amusement, and they would want to see only the best of melee combat from the strongest of races: the Orcs, Tauren, and some Trolls. Blood Elves and Forsaken would be seen by Arena enthusiasts as not as strong so, I think that they'd not be allowed. They can also not stand as many hits, so the fights would end quicker. An alternative to simply adding a teleporter into the arena, would be opening the Ring of Valor official arena, with the teleporter taking people to the seating area.

But what? Melee AGAIN? The Mage Tower implementation was a great idea I think, but it's still a tower and any real fights between mages, warlocks, priests, and balance druids would be large scale, and trash the oh so pretty tower. I propose the Dalaran Sewers arena to be opened for the purpose of fights between mages, with a small addition of a seating area.

Of course, there is still the Gurubashi, Ratchet, and Outland arenas for the other races/classes but I think that these would really enhance the RP experience!