Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: And so it ends...
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The first Gurubashi Grindfest is over! Two days of bloodsports, drinking, betting and adultery, two days at the Great Gurubashi Arena. We have seen warriors of many a kind fight against each other and horrifying beasts alike, the spawn of gods and dragons were brought forth against our champions, but they prevailed!

And now... Now we have our heroes!

For the Bonebreaker Brawls, we have Jean!

For the Beast Grind we have team Height Chart, members being: Neyshifa "Wildvine", Laars "Iron Fists" and Besdle "Mad-Diver"!

For the Duels to First Blood we have Besdle "Mad-Diver"!

And as the Last Woman to still Stand we have Gille, the Medic!

The winners recieve their priceless rewards along with a sum of gold and even silver tokens (whenever the Bilgewater agents manage to locate them), seek out these men and women, gnomes and elves and see if they wish to share their glory! Or maybe challenge them to test if they are really as able as they would have us think!

Late? What do you mean late? News come exactly when they were meant to!
Nostra Wrote:the spawn of gods and dragons

... Why did I not go there ...?

Damn it!
Priceless rewards eh? Laars haz teh fayme!...too bad he won't care ICly in the slightest :P.
News is not wizards!!!
Hell yesh, also is it IC goldz?