Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Joining the Bandwagon. Again.
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As the name says, I'm gonna go ahead and make a final post. Gotta get this out, 'cause.. god damn, it's killing me.

First off, I love the server and the community. As lame as it is, it's always been difficult to leave. Now, that aside, I do -not- love tyranny. Now, before anyone rolls their eyes or snickers about, just think a bit about things. Maybe it's more difficult because in the public eye, the higher-ups like to try and save face(though attempt to hide their rudeness with the excuse of being 'blunt'), but, being in the GM staff, I have seen many many things that.. to be perfectly honest, should never be allowed.

Now, people may not believe it, and will probably laugh about it, but I see the staff kind of like.. a government. It is put in place to keep the people safe, happy, and content. Well, governments are very likely to be corrupted. And this corruption is very deep, and very high. Allowing the stupidest thing to fly with a player because he plays a certain thing that you like? Should never be involved in one's judgment. Of course, that's a tiny thing. A big thing is allowing two people to run rampant, they constantly show they are extremely stressed out with the job, but refuse to step down, and.. aren't forced down. But when someone steps out against the big dog and voices a strong opinion that is disliked, well. They go bye-bye. Now, you can say whatever you want, but it doesn't take a genius(as I definitely am not one) to see that there is something wrong there. Especially when it is disguised with a lie. And I'm of course speaking of Secrettom's demotion and the fact that he seemed 'stressed out' with the job. This stress has been evident, and much more intensified by others on the staff and.. they're still there? What? Why? Because they speak to the big dogs more often, so they're on the good side. Regardless of how they act, whatever facades(or lack thereof) they put on, they remain on the staff, and only soil it with drama and their own self-induced pity parties whenever someone steps up against them.

I'm sure some may be offended by what I've said, others are going to try a holier-than-thou response or at least think it, and I'd like to direct those people to other absence threads made. Not by Secrettom or Lucelia, but by other, more colorful ones. One cannot -ever- talk down to someone else, when they've done things like that, and you should be ashamed of yourselves. To try and put on some face like suddenly everything you've said in the past is gone and never happened? I'm all for the past is the past and to move on, but look at your mistakes and learn from them.. Not just act like some a-hole who is higher than someone else simply because you're not speaking with an outburst of emotion -on that specific post-.

And what I can say, also is.. quit having GM status be such a popularity contest. If you want the server to not continue to just rot away like I(and others) have felt like it has, then be able to force your friends into demotions, as they're necessary even if you refuse to believe it, and just quit being so easily swayed. And before the defense is that everything is analyzed, please save it. I've seen and experienced it.

And as a note to another certain someone. I'm am disgusted at what tells you send to some people. I am a vulgar, disgusting, terrible human being, I know that, but when you are in a position of power, you don't say such.. perverted things to someone in a tell.

Apologies for being incoherent. ADD.

And that's the word, we'll be right back.

Edit: Forgot contact info!
AIM: Foto1337
MSN: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]][email protected]</a><!-- e -->

Do contact me if you wish to talk. ^.^
Is it okay to flame you for leaving when I just start to get to know you?
I'll even give you the match to start flaming, sir.
All I will say for now, since I'm trying to get to bed, is good luck.

Goodbye Piken.

Short but so damn effective \o