Conquest of the Horde

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Pages: 1 2
Piroska Wrote:if I ever have a problem -- with the game, with the server, with something technical, with a player -- I can approach Kretol.

Kret is one of the most approachable people that I know. To date, I've talked to him about two problems and both times he rectified the situation -- which, surprisingly enough, once meant going against the ruling that another staff member had made about one of my characters. To my experience, he's been fair and pretty darned understanding.

QFT. Kretol is an amazing human being (orc) and I just can't understand why someone would critizise him. Not only is he the sole reason all of us are able to play here but he does his best and more to make sure we are happy and the server and community are problem-free! Hugz for Kretol!
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