Conquest of the Horde

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Bovel, the blacksmithing event could tie into what I said earlier, but gives it a dedicated LORE reason, great find there!

BUT ALSO. The grand gladitorial event, open to everyone. Not sure on the practicalities of this as roll fights take a long time, unless multiple events were ran, in a tournament style, with multiple fights at each local at each time. One unfortunate thing that may affect this is prestige abilities. Perhaps a contest for those with combat-related Prestige titles could be held too so that the normalcharacters can battle it out. The final bout could be between the Prestige-Class victor, and the Normal-Class victor, for fun. Reward of the glory of it, and also cash incentive for characters who would require that, but ALSO a belt/special piece of armour signifying that person to be the annual champion of Azeroth. Other events could be sparked from this if we have a chosen champion, like raids, etc. But that's all speculation, of course!

Oh, and what about me and LostStranger, Bovel! We put alot of work in here too! Not just Piroska and Judgernaut [Tharnul]! QQ.
Oh, sorry.
Thanks -ALL- that has contributed to this.

And it is actually not the Mithril Order that arrange it. Here are quotes from the quests about it and a link to the quests on Wiki.
Quote:At last year's All-Valley Blacksmithing Championship, all those who watched saw my leg get swept from under me by a cowardly dog from the Venture Co. Foundry. What they didn't know, however, was the reason I was able to continue and ultimately win the tournament: That's right, ornate mithril boots! I will need to learn how to craft ornate mithril pants for this year's tournament, however, as a Venture Co. shredder is an entrant!
The World at your Feet

The story behind these huge championships back on retail was just a huge fight for fighting's sake, proof of strength and worthiness of fighter, sponsor or even tribe or race at times. The first one was held in Eldre'Thas and hosted by the ogres ICly, the turnout was not huge and mostly limited to the horde but still there were four different troll tribes represented, a s**tload of orcs and quite a few tauren and forsaken aswell. We only had two alliance participating and those were two magi that fought in the 2vs2 magic battles.

Second time around was about 13 months after the first one and we even advertised it cross-realm and wanted people from all EU realms to join in for this. All in all we had a turnout on 102 characters and 70+ players, this time 20 alliance characters. It was instead held for the same reason but by trolls in STV with the sponsorship of the Second Gurubashi Empire. There was a trend for the Free For All battles.

No roll combat, actually I never encountered roll-combat at all during my 2-3 years of RP on retail. Instead each combatant had a discussion with their opponent/s about their style and strength-weakness and so on and either they agreed on who -SHOULD- win or one of us who pulled the event together either decided or rolled on it. Note that some battles ended in a totally different way than first planned or expected due to the human factor.

There is very much work behind these events which I think can be lessened due to this being a private server, but still alot of work and time spent preparing. In total we had up to seventeen working during the events as guards, doctors, servants, cooks and salesman, the caller and so on. Something that can be done, but nothing I plan to get started on right at this moment.

In my opinion Kosh'harg could be something that the orcs took with them as they came to Azeroth and something they have done annually without Oshu'gun.
REVIVAL! From the ashes we shall bring you: This months event list :D


-Dance of the Earth Mother
-Midsummer Fire Festival

Yummy! See what I did with the whole ashes thing? So, bring it, guys!
Both events I can attend! Shoopdawhoot!
Ben is full of awesome and win! There's a thread for the Dance of the Earth Mother, which will be held in Thunder Bluff on 26 June 2010. I invite people to show up, converse, share stories (bring stories to share?), and generally help usher the Earth Mother into summer.

I don't have jack for the Midsummer Fire Festival. That's more something serverwide that I hadn't even considered doing. Unless someone else wants to organize a bash related to that?
OOOFT. Right. Earth Mother event is just celebrating and being all old man-like. NO, that does not mean it's boring! You know when your granddad tells you a story from the War? Or even your Dad for some of us >.< well when you hear that for the first time it's usually brilliant, and their memory has deteriorated so it's a fantastic story that may well have involved a dragon chasing his Spitfire across the skies until he lost it over Dover. Or at least that's what it's like for me.

That will be an amusing event, and provides connections for RP in the future!

Fire festival?! FIRE! Engineers, y'all like fire, yeah?! How's about load of fireworks everywhere, let's paint this town REDD! Obviously not a town, probably in the Barrens so nobody gets too hurt... general explosives, dancing, riding through burning rings of fire on bikes. Oh! Racing! The first to light a pyre wins, and the like!

Theres some ideas, discuss! :D
HOYY! Ah Divn't see nee discussin hea like man! Wassup wi' this! Howay man ya' bunch o' lasses!

For those who dont speak 'Ard: Hello, I can't see any discussion here. Whats happening? Let's go!
Its all here.
Ladies and gents,

I have successfully necro'd this thread (With permission) in hopes of starting to run these Annual events from time to time.

Do it! Do it now!
Taken from Piroska's Post that was birthed off of this one.

The first of the events listed on the Events, events, and more events! thread is coming up!

Hordefall May 21-22
(Edited to fit upcoming weekends)
  • [Image: Alliance_32px.gif] Hordefall
    • Celebrated: May
      Hordefall is a holiday celebrated in Southshore and Kul Tiras. It is the anniversary of the Second War's end. It involves singing, dancing, and incinerating small orc dolls.

An Alliance-centric event, this is the day when the people would celebrate the conclusion of the Second War and the Alliance of Lordaeron's eventual triumph over the marauding Horde. While the event was originally held in primarily Southshore and Kul Tiras, in the thirty-odd years that have passed since the war's conclusion the celebration has gained popularity in most human cities and townships. The largest celebration of Hordefall is held in Stormwind City, the current largest human city in the world.

The celebration would include dancing, drinking, eating, and general revelry throughout the city. Veterans of the war would most likely receive special recognition from the locals. Huge bonfires would be erected throughout the city, into which small orc dolls would be thrown. The dolls would probably be created by the locals and then sold to visitors who would want to participate in the festivities.

It's a tradition that a play is performed each year at the festival. A troupe is hired by the local government to perform an appropriate play that typically highlights the triumphs of the Alliance of Lordaeron against the orcish invaders. Unfortunately, due to the fact that history is often written by the winners, it may not necessarily be entirely correct.

At the celebration's conclusion, pyrotechnics send up fireworks that light up the evening sky.

What we need from the community
  • We need people to create and sell dolls at the event (probably days in advance), which would be an awesome use of the new player economy
  • We will need a group of people to serve as the troupe who would perform at the final day of the celebration; they would perform their own script, but we as a community can help create one
  • We should probably hire pyrotechnics to shoot off fireworks (that means you, engineers!)
  • We would like help from the staff to make this more successful:
    • A number of large bonfires would help facilitate the burning of orc dolls
    • Decorations to help highlight the festivities
    • Possible NPC control; we were thinking that the King might make an appearance or give a speech
I'm in! I think, if I don't forget.

It sounds fun to have a event like this for sure. Unfortunately I got no pyrotechnics but I'll get Kyl dancing about!

How did you get this approved by Kretol, is beyond me.

Must've drugged him or something!

Regardless, I'll try to attend on a non-undead character. Maybe Dalar, for the sake of burning little orc dolls.
Huzzah! Time to go material farming on Spiligrack.

<3 for the necro.
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