Conquest of the Horde

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Though it ain't have nothing to do with the 20 megaton drama bomb that just went off in the COTHmosphere. This weekend I was away visiting family members who lived around 4 hours away from my current place of residence. Yesterday, I woke up in their house to find blood 'n puss coming out of my belly button. I looked at that and went "Hmmm...that's not normal...." so the first thing that happens to me when I come back home, is I get taken the hospital.

There, I spend 6 hours sitting in the hospital bed, as all sorts of shit is done to me. Shit that leaves me a tired and drained Krent. Long story short, I gotta go get prepped for surgery soon.

Nobody worry, though. It ain't life-threatening. It's just a cyst they located in between my belly button and bladder, which is causing me all sorts of irritation. Luckily they caught it early before it got too infected. In a few days they'll cut me open and drain the lil bastard out. But until then, I gotta rest up and get ready for shit.

Now that that's out of the way, allow me to use this post to comment on teh dramaz.

[Ron Perlman]
COTH. COTH never changes...
[/Ron Perlman]

This is about the 5th time by my count that a huge drama bomb has gone off. Honestly, I can say that I'm sad. Sad and disappointed at all parties. It might be because I'm a dirty hippie stoner, but I can get along with just about everyone. The GM's, the disgruntled players, the angry ex-GM's - they're all on my buddy list. I consider myself a friend of 'em all, and once upon a time in a community far far away, they considered each other as such.

I know. It's crazy. There used to be a time where Cressy, Leth, Luce, Rensin, and everyone else involved / 'called out' in this lil drama were friends. Where they RP'd together. Where everyone just didn't give a shit about their normal lives and just worked to develop enjoyable plot lines together. I remember those days clearly.

Everyone used to be friends. Sure, there were cliques, but they weren't so...fanatical as they are now. People could just learn to let the little things go. Everyone's got their own personal character flaws. People make mistakes on a more frequent basis than they'd like to admit. It's just sad to see that everyone let it all just build and build and build until kaboom. Dramadiation falling down everywhere.

But COTH. COTH never changes.

The people who exited will come back after a few months. I have. Twice. The people who have made "I'm leaving forever this time!" posts are still going to pop in every now and then on the forums to say something. The GM's in power are going to do a nice little talk about 'reform' and do another 'clean up', but it won't change a damn thing. Eventually, a few months from now, everyone's gonna come back again and act like nothing happened. It may take 3 months. Maybe 5. Hell, might even be a year. But they'll come back eventually.

And the cycle will continue all over again.

All I gotta say that is that I see things from everyone's perspective. I honestly do. None of ya'll are 'innocent'. To everyone sitting there trying to act all smug and cool, saying things like "I don't care if you leave. It doesn't affect me any, my life is wonderful and this is all silly internets~!"

...just stop. Please stop. You had a hand in creating this mess. If it doesn't affect you any at least on the slightest emotional level, it should. We used to have a nice, happy community where everyone RP'd with everyone without worrying about IRL bullshit things and it's gone now. Say what you will about the people who left on an OOC level - they were great RP'rs IC. And now their talent is gone, most likely for a long time.

Now this would be the part where I do an angry rant about the GM team or the structure of the server or the idiotic player base or the stupidity of the 'rebel' factions but....I won't. Because I've already done that stuff way back when in the past and I know how futile rage 'n flame posts truly are.

So I'll just say...everyone relax. When COTH gets you physically or emotionally stressed, angry, upset, depressed. Just relax. Turn off the monitor. Stand up and start walking away from the keyboard. Go outside. Talk to a friend. See a movie. Find a cute girl, boy, or both (hey, I don't judge) to cuddle up with. Work towards a career, or an education, or a family.

This community, as dear as people see it, is such a small part of life. Don't let it consume you with hate, fear, and drama.

It ain't worth it.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to wash some blood out of my belly.
God damn it Krent..I spit all the water out, well..Shot it out through my nose. :<

Take care, get better. Blur blur blur, you know, stuff.
I hope everything goes smooth for you at the hospital. See you when ya return!
First of all:

Quote:blood 'n puss coming out of my belly button


Second of all: Take it easy Krent, hope things go as planned. :>
I'll have you know that I was eating an ice cream pop while I read this. D:<

One, I only wish half the people I met were as cool and hippie as you are. The world needs more lurve.

Secondly, hope the surgery goes well. At least use it as an excuse to boss people about to get you things while you're recovering. :P

Take i'teasy, kiddo.
Quote:This is about the 5th time by my count that a huge drama bomb has gone off.

Yeah, I'm getting the idea we'll just have to live with these things popping up once every year or so. Blegh. I don't know why people get so mad at each other here, one'd think that since we're a gaming community we'd be pretty cool about it and focus on having fun. No matter, as long as most of us keep out of it CotH will stand strong, and a positive effect that I've noticed is the calm we have the weeks after the "detonation", so I guess that's good. Or something.

I hope you get well(er?) soon, Krent, I know I'd be freaking out if that happened to me, I'm almost freaking out just reading about it, hehe.

Oh, and come back sooner rather than later!

Quote:I can get along with just about everyone. The GM's, the disgruntled players, the angry ex-GM's - they're all on my buddy list. I consider myself a friend of 'em all, and once upon a time in a community far far away, they considered each other as such.

QFT - Good times.
Well that sucks, and just to add to what everyone said... get better soon, and kick some more ass!
Now I'm a confused panda, I keep hearing of recent drama... but yet I was online and saw none... What is everyone talking about?!
I feel so left out :/
Ah lurbs yew Krent! Get done with surgery stuffs soon so you can teach us all the ways of the hippie.
Wow, I'm stupid... I forgot to add what I posted there for...
Get well soon Krent!
Blood'n'Puss in Boots.. Eeehm, take care!