Conquest of the Horde

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Sorry 'bout not saying anything beforehand. Anyway! I will probably be absent during the rest of the weekend since I've been invited to spend time with IRL friends (which is why I wasn't here yesterday) and, also, my mother is borrowing my computer since hers is pretty much dead. I'm writing this from my brother's computer while he's pacing back and forth impatiently outside the room.

Yeah. Just thought I'd throw a note out there since I feel bad if I disappear for more than a day without saying anything...
Psh. RL friends.

Come back soon! <3
IRL Friends just suck.

When I saw this, I was like "OH SHI NOT LOXMARDIN TOO..."

Yeah, erm, yeah.
I will miss you with every fiber of my being, Loxy! It is an emptiness that can only be filled with your presence!

Have fun with your friends.
We'll miss you... *mumbles to himself* "Only a weekend, only a weekend..."
Absence might be a wee bit longer. Since I'm at school currently, I don't know for sure yet what the status is regarding my personal computer at home. If I'm lucky, I'll get it back from mom today. If not, I'll just have to spend some more time playing Final Fantasy 12.

Heh, thats makes two of us, eh? Work hard, better, faster and stronger = profit.
Totally just ripped off Daft punk there...

Anyway, hope to tease you again in ventrilo soon :P You know I mean no bad with it... its just... just... youre a swede and I cant help myself ;)
Just to note that my in-game and overall presence will probably be dramatically lessened for a wee bit longer. My mother, who's currently got my computer, still has a lot of work to do (even though she's skipping sleep to get her work done at the moment) and she'll need to use my computer until everything's done. I might be able to log on WoW later today if she takes a break in her work, but if not... The best I can do is hijack my brother's or dad's computers when they leave them unattended (hurrrr).

Like now. Brother was nowhere to be seen...

Anywho. Just thought I'd drop the note by the forums to let you guys know. Whenever I'm online, I'll try to catch up on everything I've missed. Like, work.

I feel bad. ._. I promise I'll catch up when I get my computer back.