Conquest of the Horde

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I love brevity so I'll keep this short.

Life seems to have ambushed me so I'll be gone for a few days, probably be back on tuesday or a day or so after. All current plans are post-poned accordingly.

Don't burn the place down while I'm gone.
/hides torch

Yeah! Look! Nostras gone! Let's spam the forums so everyone will have more posts than him when we return... >:D
Pfft. Usually you're carying the torch along with me Nostra. That's why Stormwind still smells slightly like burning hair.

G'luck man, see you whenever. Huur.
Great, what am I going to do with all this petrol now..?

See ya 'round Nostra. :>
I doubt >I'll be fully back until after the fumigation.