Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Little support for Peons !
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If you are a Peon that is having trouble with money to buy himself some proper clothes, then you just hit the jackpot !

I am offering some OOC Tailoring services to anybody who may want some clothes and bags, i know how it is to feel miserable and poor with a couple of silvers in pockets... I was like two weeks ago ! So, to give a little thumb up to Newcommers/Peons, im offering my OOC Tailoring skills on Seizael, if you need some more slots bags then the lame one you got... i can make you some 20 slots bags instead of some 8 slots bag, its much better ! If you ever want my services, Send an OOC mail to Seizael or Wisper me when im on, or if you got a reference to know about Tailoring, PM me your request with you character's name and the item ^^.
I also offer this to Grunts or even GM's but only if you pay the materials and my priority will always be the Peons, Tailoring offers some stuff that cannot be found easily in the AH.

Please be honest, its a small and friendly comminity and it would be LOW to lie... Also ! Im doing this for Free, IC and OOC, so don't be hard on my if it takes time, i will do my best !
