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So. This is a serious thread. I don't -think- it could offend anyone.

So. Kissing?

A few questions of opinion; Would it only be a human habit? I've been pondering about it for a while, and I realized, there's at least a single race that would have a hard time kissing: Trolls. They have tusks, no? And orcs.
Wikipedia Wrote:Kissing is a physical expression of deep affection or love between two people, in which the sensations of touch, taste, and smell are involved.[2] According to psychologist Menachem Brayer, although many "mammals, birds, and insects exchange caresses" which appear to be kisses of affection, i.e. "love birds," they are not kisses as humans consider them. Psychologist William Cane notes that kissing in Western society is most often a romantic act and describes a few of its attributes:

This is what Wikipedia says about it. I'm actually comparing the other races to animals now. But, would there be another way they'd show their affection? A special one, to replace this? What's yer opinion? I can't say a thing righ now.
...Seeing as you brought this up, I wonder how Tauren 'kiss'. I mean, their faces are -definitely- not made for it. Which is kindof why I just imagined a hug between two Tauren is rather close.

EDIT: Concerning Trolls, I doubt she show affection. I mean, women have been such lower class people for so long that the idea of 'kissing' is most likely foreign to Trolls. Though I guess some who have changed might have picked up some more human habits. I guess a hug or something would do.
Tusk rubbing? Idk.
I've always done tusk rubbing, horn hitting... licking. Uhh. Orcs? Straight up mauling.

But seriously, this is a pretty good point. And undead shouldn't ever kiss. Ever.
Rensin Wrote:And undead shouldn't ever kiss. Ever.

The horror. Would be an effective method of torture or blackmailing.

... A very effective method of persuasion in general! No one wants an undead kiss.
But, the point of kissing before was closeness, and that lips actually have slightly more sensitive areas than the rest of the body.

So, would tusks/horns work in that? :|
Prior to affection, kissing was a casual greeting as silly as it sounds. People'd kiss a total stranger back in ancient Babylon and think not a thing of it.
Jeff Wrote:Prior to affection, kissing was a casual greeting as silly as it sounds. People'd kiss a total stranger back in ancient Babylon and think not a thing of it.

That's also a good point. I was also wondering if any races would have had this habit?
Possibly a race that lives a long time where social evolution isn't as common? Like Nelves or Draenei? Idk
Jeff Wrote:Possibly a race that lives a long time where social evolution isn't as common? Like Nelves or Draenei? Idk

I can see Draenei doing that. But Night Elves? Not so much. :B
I do not believe you made this thread. xD
I remember reading somewhere that romantic kissing was "invented" by medieval knights; when they returned from a crusade or other extended absence from their homes, they would do this to their wives in order to smell or taste alcohol on their breath.

I have no idea whether this is true, but I thought it was interesting. As the wiki article implies, non-western human cultures were unaware of kissing until it was introduced to them by Europeans. Therefore, it isn't unreasonable to assume that the other races (different species, really) on Azeroth would view romantic kissing as foreign.

Races I would think that would use kissing includes Humans, Gnomes, Dwarves, and High/Blood Elves. I wouldn't be surprised if Draenei came to accept it as a show of affection, along with certain Night Elves (that being said, I like the idea of a Kaldorei being completely grossed out by the prospect, at the same time).

Orcs, trolls, and Tauren don't really have the faculties for it, as has been said. Tusk-rubbing, nuzzling... That sort of thing makes enough sense to me.

Forsaken would certainly know of kissing, and would probably have experience with it from their former lives. As undead... I would argue whether they really had the capacity for romance, never mind physical affection. Add to that the facial deformities running rampant... I think a strong handshake is about as close as anyone (members of their race included) would want to get.

Goblins would probably kiss. I could see that.

Naaru most likely make pleasant wind-chime noises at each other.

Ogres... Um. Y'know, I've never seen a female ogre. If they exist, they probably butt heads to show intimacy. xP

Ethereals... Don't... Have faces?

And I'm sure dragons might do it, if they were in a humanoid form. *sagenod*
Skaar Wrote:I do not believe you made this thread. xD

Shut uppppp. SHUT UPPPP.
Rensin Wrote:Uhh. Orcs? Straight up mauling.

From now on, this will be the standard for every race. And it will be awesome.

Edit: I like the idea of some races having absolutely no idea what it is. That could lead to some very odd results if they try to be 'racially correct' and mimic what they see others doing.
Seraphim Wrote:Ogres... Um. Y'know, I've never seen a female ogre. If they exist, they probably butt heads to show intimacy. xP

Did somebody call for a female Ogre?

[Image: 180px-Ogrefemale.JPG]
Just concept art
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