Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Need Mok'Tar's Gold & Silver
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Here's the story. A couple days ago I got my leveling to 80 on my character, Arias. Later that day, some people, including me, had the first characters on our lists deleted. Kretol appeared out of no where and helped us out. Unfortunately, the only thing that could be done was reset the accounts from earlier that day. I've got my level back up to 80, but I can't get the items from Mok'Tar because my "inventory is full". It's not full, there are quite a few open spaces. I've tried emptying out my first few slots and everything.

Any help?
I will be online in a minute! Send me a whisper on the character.
Nevermind, I took care of it.

Anyway, the reason was that you already had your tokens. I just wanted to verify you hadn't used any yet. It's been taken care of.
Yar, I had been asked in a ticket. This is partially the reason I had them post the topic as well, heh. Thank's Benislav, for being understanding with us.