Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Player Appreciation Day
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I appreciate myself too. <3

Naw, Happy Player Appreciation Day!


-P.S. I'd love to have the gift waiting for me upon return. ;p
It's still May 15th over here.

Thanks for everything, CotH! My life is incomplete without you. :)
This is a nice thought.
I applaud you guys.
I am interested in partaking in this event of gift giving :D

Nagrash, warlock looking for RP... In all the wrong places!
Gotta thank Coth for just being... Coth, A great place for good RP... And a place which fills you with curiosity... Like gifts... I like gifts... :P
Thanks for all the fun today! ^-^ Was fantastic!

Wait, it's already done?

Count me in but im technically still AFK from the server. XD.
I'm slightly interested!
I'll let Rensin choose whether to count just the posts above this point (ie, on the 15th), or any after this point as well (until he locks the topic).

Either way, stay tuned, folks! Once Rensin posts with his decision, we'll gather character names and send the gift to a character on each player's account.
Just seconds late... damn you internet connection. LOL
I'm thinkin' I'll let everyone that posted here get the prize, since there is a bit of time restraint for our friends on the other side of the world. Enjoy your gifts, guys.

Topic locked!
The names have been compiled!
If you had the name of a main character in your profile, I chose that one. Otherwise, I probably either chose the top name in your list of characters, the character with your username, your highest level character, or one of your orcs (if I knew they were). :)

You should start checking your mail in-game shortly!
Annnd all mails sent! Hope folks enjoy their gift!
Enjoy, folks! Thank you all so much for making CoTH, well... CoTH! I hope you had fun today, and so do the rest of us.
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