Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: I hate everything.
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...are awesome. Welcome back.
[Image: x119HTS400.jpeg]

Being the Computer nerd that I am, I honestly suggest to prevent from frying your computer... to not get a "shock strip" for your computer like most people get, but a surge protector, like in the picture above. If your dad is willing to put insurance on a computer... then hopefully he'd be willing to drop another hundred on this sort of thing to prevent from having his/your expensive investment from frying again.

Keep in mind! Once your surge proctector stops an incoming surge once, it's rendered useless and becomes nothing more that an extension cord. But at that point, you'll be glad -it- fried, and not your computer.

This one is pretty fancy, and also has line conditioners. It's just an example of what you want.
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