Conquest of the Horde

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This answers my question pretty well...So If I get approved for Solivan, Id probebly make a Nerubian Rebel(If anyone has raided Azjol Nerub, they would know who the Nerubian Rebels are) Thank you for the information.
Oh yes, I want to play a daughter of Cenrius! Or a succubus!
I'd love to play a murloc or gnoll, but there won't be much RP for them, so they aren't the best idea.

My other choice is Tuskarr, but when I put a shirt/vest/anything for chest/shirt slot on it, the hole for the head ends up between his shoulder. Or at least, that is in WoW Model Viewer... if some gear could be made for them from the NPC models, it would be cool...

But for now, let's don't get excited. I will just wait and see what will happen with my Prestige Application first, then see if this thing starts going and then think if I will roll a special character. :)
Could we trough this, create characters using factions? And we could also do better, in the way of some Prestige classes having forms such as Mountain Kings, Primals, Shadow Ascendants, Druids of the Fang and even Steam Warriors.
Uncorrupted Orcs and Taunka, plz. :D
I have to go with Ethereals as well. They're just so amazing.
My friend, if this comes true, I will be beyond impressed!

I am dieing to see this!
This sounds amazing. If you guys could implement Ice Trolls and Forest Trolls I'd love you guys forever. ;_;

A dragon race doesn't sound too far-fetched either. They could look like a normal character, but have some druid-esque racial ability that turns them into a dragon/drake (drake sounds better, it'd be bad if it were too overpowered, which I fear dragons might be.) of their respective flight.

Oh, and can Ethereals equip and display armor like normal, playable races? Just curious, because if it could be done, that would be amazing to play as one. If not... well, they'd still be interesting to play as. I just think it'd be interesting to play as an Ethereal in full plate armor.
Dragons are overpowered as all get out as it is... but the other idea's sound really cool. I, for one, want... Ogres.

Da wut ecology mean? ME SMASH.
I have always wanted to play a Tuskarr! <3
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