Conquest of the Horde

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Bovel Wrote:I don't really see the point of this, you can easily get your proffesions to 450 in a day of two using a proper guide with loosing perhaps only 500g.
Some of the professions (inscription comes to mind) are borked. Piroska was physically incapable of leveling her profession past a certain level; when I posted this on the forums, I was told that this was a known problem. This would help resolve that issue and allow players to not spend valuable roleplaying time leveling a profession.
Rensin Wrote:Like, for items and leveling, we have .char additem or .char level commands, but nothing involving skills, sadly.
... You don't?
I am pretty sure that you can do it.

.character learn 51304 Teaches the player the skill "Grand Master Alchemy", which will make their alchemy cap 450. After this;
.character advanceallskills 450

There. It could also be written, .cha l 51304 and .cha advancealls 450
Just thought about something...might need to be level 80 before you could get your skill bumped to 450 since I think its a requirement for the skill...Dunno if the skill would work if given to someone under level 80...hrm
Gathering skills (herbalism, mining, skinning) require you to be 55 in order to reach 450. Non-gathering professions require 65. This will allow you to reach Grand Master.

Edit: At least, these are the requirements on retail. It may be different on this server if further changes were made to professions.
If I remember correctly, Kretol was hesitant to give anyone the abilities, for fear of abuse.

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