Conquest of the Horde

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H-Hawk... Wh-


As plenty of people have said, you'll still be a GM in my eyes. Regardless, I hope to see you in-game so I can first /punch you, then /hug you. Then, RP!

Hawky-baby! D: It's so weird, knowing you're stepping down! I remember the day you became a trial GM, then content! Ogod, I feel old! Now we can roleplay more! Toss me a PM when you're up to it, and we shall have a fine time with our gnomish (vegas wedding xD) rivalry!
Rensin Wrote:I found a gif of a kitten attacking a giant hawk, and the title under it said "GTFO HAWK", but I opted to just say g'bye instead.

From the GM game that is. Take your time with whatever you need, nub! IRL is more important!
Since he didn't do it, I decided I would. Too bad I could not find that picture but I found one equally as good! You are now no longer 'Hawk' but now 'Duck'.
[Image: GTFO.jpg]

I loved ya as a GM and that isn't going to be changing anytime soon. I now love ya, just no GM. Hope to see you in the game soon!
Buh-buh-buh... D'aww. Loved the few RP sessions we've had, as I did your work in GM-hood. You were and will stay awesome, GM or no.

May the rum be with you. Always.
You better learn to use MSN more often, Hawk.

-You better-.

Quote:You better learn to use MSN more often, Hawk.


Also; :<.
I'll miss laughing at you at WSG... the only GM that allowed me to kill him, then made me a shredder... maybe because I haven't asked the others? Ah, whatever...

Welcome to Grunt Kingdom, Hawk, you are most welcome to join our fine ranks! :mrgreen:

I hope you didn't forget to present my Prestige application to the GM team before stepping down, or Hebry -will- find you! ^^
You bleeding blackhearted, longlegged, red-eyed brother of the devil.
... I'm going to miss you.
Or your GMship, whatever. You got the point here.

I neither am good with words, so I'll just put this here..
[Image: heavy-weapons-guy1.jpg]
I've been gone for 3 months, and you do this. Can't I leave you kids alone for one minute? >:C
I love you too, Zunaj.
Zunaj Wrote:3 months
Zunaj Wrote:one minute?

Something here doesn't make sense.
Hint: It's your face
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