Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Andrac`s Introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player.:
I am 18 years old, and currently enrolled at medical school. On the side, I enjoy going to the gym, auditioning and performing in local theatrical productions, reading, writing, drawing, photography, painting, playing guitar and spending time with my friends.

While I have occasionally been caught up in the rat race of gear grinding, honour farming and other such time-devouring escapades on WoW, my prime reason for playing is RP. I consider it a brilliant outlet for my drama techniques, where I'm able to create and act as any character I want, within reason. I can practice costume design, set design, directing, script writing and so on, and all in the fantastical setting of the Warcraft universe.

What I love about the Warcraft universe is that there are no definite boundaries or limitations in regards to possible characters and/or situations. Most people consider this as Blizzard's downside, with every retcon and lore 'blank' being a blemish. To me, though, it is an encouragement to actively engage in a rich and diverse world. The unanswered sections merely invite the player to answer them on their own.

As a player, I've always played with RP as my primary focus, but I enjoy raiding and PvPing as well. I've played WoW for the last 4 years, but I am yet to be properly satisfied with an RP environment that caters to my passion.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?
Originally, I'm from Ireland, but having moved to Australia at a young age, I call the land Down Under my second home. While I enjoy speaking French and sometimes Gaelic from time to time, English is my primary language.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
My best friend introduced me to Blizzard through Starcraft, and I've never forgiven him :P Since the days of the Protoss, Terran and Zerg, I've played numerous RTS's, and happened upon Warcraft 3. At this stage, I couldn't really name my fascination with ctrl-1 ing certain units and making up character designs for them, so when I played WC3 and saw it as a RPG/RTS game, I knew then that I'd like RPGs.

In a way, I suppose I roleplayed in Warcraft 3, and so when I saw WoW released, I knew my life could very well end after being sucked into the world of Azeroth.

What made you seek our server over others? (or How did you find us?):
In the past, I've tried creating private servers of my own to RP with some close friends of mine. It was all good fun, and we had uber god-moding powers that technically should only have belonged to in game bosses, but yeah - wanted a community, really, and being god of an empty server isn't as enjoyable as one might think.

I used to play on the RP PvP server Twisting Nether, where I was RP Officer to one of the longest-standing guilds on the realm, but after the degradation of both its standard and quantity of RP, I realised that my style and my enjoyment of the art was being badly affected.

I then switched to Moon Guard, where I have since met about a thousand legends in their own lunchboxes, and alas, I still haven't really found a place to call home yet. A friend I met on a Horde character on Moon Guard told me about Conquest of the Horde, and said that the RP was fantastic, and after doing a quick Google search, I'm inclined to agree.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
Honestly, I'm not being lazy when I say that I enjoy all types. My drama teacher has told me that I'm a chameleon actor, so I suppose my RP tastes are varied as well. I'm able to involve myself in an array of RP forms and settings, and find a way to actively contribute and enjoy myself.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
As it was the first race and class I decided to play, I suppose I'm a little biased when I say that my favourite is the Night Elf Druid. Their lore interested me in Warcraft 3, and so it seemed only natural to follow suit in WoW.

I've got a keen interest in the natural world myself, and you are often encouraged to write/act on what you know, so the druid for me is an enjoyable class to roleplay. They're also very fun, in terms of game mechanics - if you get sick of one role, you can just respec and do something else!

Night Elf lore has a sense of dignity, discipline and history that I seem to find appealing in a variety of universes (Protoss lore being quite similar, for example). The fact that they disobey most of the elf cliches also appeals to me (wood elves usually being blonde-haired and feminine). Night Elf males must be the manliest type of elf on the planet :)

What are your expectations of this server?:
As outlined previously, I really look forward to engaging with fellow RPers who are just as passionate as I am.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
Humility - all too often have I seen the self-centred player steal the focus of a scene with some dramatic exploding exit, or speaking in three voices at once, or mounting up on some obscure phantasmagorical steed just to go and do their laundry. Humility comes from a recognition of one's place in a larger community, and so the fact that it is a rule here is really heartening to see.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
I don't often appoint my characters as 'leaders', but being an RP officer of my former guild, it was difficult to avoid in attempting to create and lead RP storylines. After all, who's going to listen to a character who doesn't have some small part of authority?

I suppose this story's a bit out of context, but I suppose you're more interested in seeing my writing style moreso than the content. So, without further ado!

The waters of the Veiled Sea raced beneath the shadows of hippogryphs in flight, beating their wings to the thrum of a steady, resonant beat. In the distance, the silhouette of Teldrassil hunched over before the star-filled sky like an ancient man whose burden had finally exceeded his strength. It was only fitting that the meeting be held there. After all, the birth of the natural abomination was a symbol of the change in druidism, of the twistings of promises and oaths to suit selfish wills and mortal needs.

Once they had landed, the hooded figures dismounted without a word, drifting through the settlement of Rut'theran like the shadows of ghosts, fading into the violet light of the guarded portal as quickly as they had come. Some arched quizzical eyebrows, others questioned the actual state of inbebriation they had submitted themselves to. However, no one spoke.

Some residents of Darnassus observed a small party enter the tunnels beneath the Cenarion Enclave, while others saw nothing. No Sentinels impeded their journey, despite the aura of foreboding accompanying the hooded figures. They moved quickly and with purpose, and it was not until they were seated far beneath the ears of Staghelm's druids that one of them spoke.

"Tonight we witnessed the results of an experiment."

This statement was responded to with a few small nods, but as before, no words were exchanged. The speaker continued.

"Thrallmar, a forgotten outpost in a shattered land that should no longer attract the eye of the Horde, was tested... People known to have been of key importance to the Horde's Hellfire Peninsula were executed, though undoubtedly, resurrection has restored each and every one of them to their former posts..." The speaker began to pace slowly, his gloved hands clasped behind his back. Glowing eyes within the darkness of the hood swept a long, slow glance over those gathered.

"The Horde responded quickly, and in numbers... To a backwater post. This response indicates one very important thing to me: the Horde defenses are bored, restless - they are eager to respond to any possible threat, regardless of remoteness or lack of tactical significance... Of course, I am not dismissing the possibility that this was simply an anomaly, a rare occurrence... However the chances of this belief being validated are exceedingly low."

The speaker held up a tabard, bearing hues of blood red and strong black in a bold design. "The Raven Cross." He carefully held the vestment for all to see, before delicately draping it over a nearby stone. "The Horde are very fortunate to have organisations such as these, for it is they who keep the Warchief's territories properly reinforced. I have seen it again and again, from the Barrens to Halaa... We have all seen it."

"I am not sure where you are leading these compliments, Preceptor, but quite frankly, these glorifications of the Horde are beginning to drag." The annoyance was expressed by the figure leaning against the doorway. "I thought our goal was to ensure the Horde were slain at every available opportunity."

The speaker, the Preceptor, turned to face the challenge. "Then you have been gravely misinformed... Our mission transcends the war, the pitiful skirmishes, the death tolls amounting on both sides. The Horde are well aware of how to effectively dispatch members of the Alliance, and if it were not for the vain hope and pride held by the majority of our people, we would come to realise this far sooner."

Another protestation, a female this time. "What exactly are you suggesting, Preceptor?"

"There is no way for us to engage the Horde openly in combat and succeed... What occurred tonight represented our nature, our form: strike to deal the damage, and vanish before the blow is returned." The Preceptor folded his arms. "Call it cowardice if you will, but on the battlefield, misconceptions provide several names to one fact. We slew precisely fifty-nine of their guards this evening, and in return, we achieved four deaths... and with resurrection nearby, this number is reduced to zero."

"You certainly seemed to find some enjoyment in dying repeatedly, Preceptor, so it is no wonder to me then that you believe we achieved some form of victory tonight."

"I showed them my face once, you see... My deaths permitted your secrecy. Are you not grateful I stayed behind to draw their attention while you progressed to the next task?"

A smirk crossed the challenger's lips. "Is that what you call it then?"

The Preceptor turned, a venomous gleam in his eyes. "Understand this: death is an insult to those who fail to see beyond their own glorification and self-importance. I am alive once more, aren't I? What, exactly, have I lost? Dignity? Honour? Pah. I am assured of my dignity in other ways, and if that is the price to pay for success, then so be it. As for honour, it is a mere illusion crafted by generals and commanders to provide worth to the actions of their soldiers on the field of battle. Glory and honour are things made meaningful by people who would otherwise see the futility of war... They are illusions to entice, to ensnare, and for the majority of the Horde, this is the case..."

The speaker turned to address the entire gathering. "So let them find worth in their killings. Let them feel that victory is theirs while we snatch it from them in their blindness. Let them revel over the death of one night elf who has managed to slay a dozen orcs, and by so doing, let them remain ignorant to the slipping away of security. Let's see if they react just as quickly to a war they do not see, when they are gratified by the attainment of precious honour and glory... Let them clutch onto their self-promoting prizes, and let this distraction permit our work to continue."

The meeting continued as per usual, and at its conclusion, there was much discussion between the hooded druids gathered in the cavern. The Preceptor stood isolated from the group, pondering the future that lay ahead for all of them. He could not reveal the truth to them, the terrifying tale of things to come. For now, he would let them believe that the Horde were their enemy, when in actual fact, he viewed them as a bored child in need of something to do. He would appease the Alliance's enemy to keep them at bay while the real task at hand was carried out. In his pocket, the amulet he had stolen from Thrallmar warmed against his hip comfortingly. Everyone would serve their use, and this mission would be carried out right in the open for all to see.

A smirk creased his features: it was simply a shame they would all be too blind to see it.

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
I wait eagerly for your response :)
Howdy, howdy, howdy!

Welcome to Conquest of the Horde, Andrac! If you have any questions, please feel free to check out our rules, policies, frequently asked questions, and our beloved wiki. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

I hope that you find your desired roleplay community at Conquest of the Horde. The focus of this server is roleplay and almost exclusively roleplay, which means that anyone you meet within the game or on the forums will be a roleplayer. The amount of people online fluctuates throughout the day, but since we have members from all around the world it's almost certain that you'll be able to find someone with which to interact!

And I'll admit, I do find myself drawn to the lore of the night elves as well.