Conquest of the Horde

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I vote for keeping it as well...

Off-topic: Cressy is a GM again?
Rensin Wrote:I find it amazing that you feel you need to be so very disrespectful when you've broken one of our rules, and got a minimal (but very fitting) punishment for it, which is a character lock. If you -have- an approved profile, which is the intention of only letting people level to fifty, then awesome. Make a ticket, and we will.

But this is -not- the way to go about it, and to make a post talking about how you think it isn't fair just looks childish, to be blunt.

We used to cap it at forty, but with fifty you can get armor, mounts, and most of your skills. Auto-leveling people to fifty sounds great and all, but it's also a good way to make for darn certain people don't bother to make profiles. Plenty enough people are just content with leveling to fifty and never bother posting a profile.

He really hasn't done anything wrong. He saw something he didn't like about his (Yes his, because it's the players who make it up. It's your server too, and to a higher degree Kretol's) server, and decided to make a forum post about it. He didn't rage, and he didn't yell out names and call people bad mothers. Disagreeing with you is not the highest insult.

Unfortunately the level 50 cap is something I am still in favor of. There are many things I don't like, but profiles help keep this game going at actual RP. If you really like leveling wait till you're a grunt and get a profile approved and level your heart away. It's not that hard, PM me and I'll help you write it.
If I came off as disrespectful or rude, that wasn't my intention, and I apologize. I do disagree, but I am not positive that can be considered being disrespectful or rude... At any rate, I think this topic may have run its course and should be locked if these are the impressions people are having.
If gear is the primary reason for leveling, there is a lot of gear in WSG for sale that lack a level requirement. I believe if you ask nicely, Kret may add more to those vendors if what you're looking for isn't there. You could RP just as well at level 1 here as you could at 80, imo.
His initial post demands we unlock his character. If this was a post saying "I think we should change the level cap" I probably wouldn't have said anything like I did. That's disrespectuf, no matter how you guys spin it. Sorry.

Edit: I also realize I've read it different than intended. For that I appologize, however, it still does come off as pert and slightly demanding. This sort of topic is fine, however, I doubt we will change the cap any time soon.
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