Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Liquify24`s Introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player.:
I live in a city where there isn't much to do, so I basically spend a lot of my time on the computer, roleplaying or playing other games. I've been roleplaying for around 4 years now, i consider myself a pretty decent Roleplayer. I am a refugee from Planeshift. I currently Role play on Second Life, in the Sim: Crossroads. I sincerely hate God Modders, and perfect characters, I play my character perfectly fine, i don't need someone else playing it for me. Honestly, I have a bit of an attitude, but that works for me in my Roleplays.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?
I am from the U.S.A, and i only speak English.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
I never really 'got into' Warcraft, I never really saw myself playing it, because i just thought it was an MMO. I did not know there was roleplaying servers, until some of my friends from Planeshift had pointed it out, and told me to go check it out.

What made you seek our server over others? (or How did you find us?):
Like i said in my above statement, I found this server because of some friends from another game.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
I pretty much like all kinds of roleplays. I enjoy fighting roleplays, and roleplays with 2-4 people in them. Tavern roleplay's seem to be everyone's favorites because that is where you find a lot of roleplays, and a tavern seems to be the 'hot spot' in a lot of games for Roleplays. I love to do Danger roleplays, since I like danger in my real life.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
I am not quite sure what Races/Classes WoW has to offer. I do seem to chose a lot of Elf's and Cat-like races on many games.

What are your expectations of this server?:
Since you have to fill out an application for this Server, i expect there not to be any horrible Power Levelers on the server. I also expect to have a great time roleplaying and exploring the possibilities of WoW.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
The godmodding rule appeals to me the most, because as i said in the first question, I can play my character fine, I don't need someone else to do it for me. The Respect rule also appeals to me, I think all players should respect one another on their Roleplay limits, or rules of their own they might have.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
Just. Get. Home. Everything will be fine if you get home. Oh gosh. He's still behind me. I shouldn't have worn this suit. I knew it. I woke up this morning and i said, "Melvin, don't put on that suit, you'll draw too much attention to yourself." But no. I just had to go and try to look classy... and he's still behind me. Who wears pants that big? Seriously. Maybe he's not one of the bloods. Maybe he's a Crypt.
A crepe sounds quite good right now. Wait, why am i thinking about that? I should be worrying about my life, not my stomach.
If i get shot tonight i can never go to work again. Oh gosh. I never even got to analyze this years tax code!
What would J.P. Morgan do? He'd have a bodyguard to come and hurt that man for following me. Im not racist, but he seems sort of threatening. He's threatening and im short and skinny. Well i guess im not that skinny, mother always said i was just delicate. Oh my gosh! My delicate body will be beaten and bruised by that brute! If i can just make it home... Daddy has a shotgun somewhere. Who am i kidding; i dont know how to shoot a gun. Maybe i should go home, The Doorman is kind of big. I dont know if he has a gun, but thats not my problem.
Is this where community college degree gets you? I thought i could just become an accountant and be safe and sucure and never have to worry again. I shouldn't have to take this. I was a mathlete dammit!
Is that really me? Is my head that big? No, its just that way because it needs to hold my brain, right? Whatever. But do i really look like that in these pants? I need to go shopping or something.
Wait, i think im forgetting something. Oh, yes. THERE IS A LARGE INTIMIDATING MAN THAT IS FOLLOWING ME! Yes, that was it. This will be just like the middle school when i got my lunch money stolen. Who knew second graders could be so vicious?
If i make it through this, i am driving to work. Screw the hippies. I'll buy a nice big SUV with spinner rims. Well maybe not spinner rims. That would draw more attention. Thats where flashiness got me. I should have listened to myself.
Oh no! If i die who will feed carlton? He'll be floating upside down like some kind of twisted version of my rubber ducky this morning. "Rubber ducky, you're so fun..." NO! Get out! Not now!
Wait, did he just turn the corner?

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
No, not at the moment.
Howdy, howdy, howdy!

Welcome to Conquest of the Horde, Liquify! If you have any questions, please feel free to check out our rules, policies, frequently asked questions, and our beloved wiki. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

I feel your pain, Liquify! When I was younger, I moved from the big city to a small town where it was considered the highlight of the week to take your buddies and you dog, jump into your pickup truck, and drive up and down the length of the only major highway that ran through the area. That, and grow tobacco.

Hopefully, Conquest of the Horde will fill your roleplaying needs. Fortunately, leveling is somewhat monitored on this server. We request that all unapproved characters (those lacking profiles that have gone through the entirety of the approval process) remain 50 or lower. If they level above 50 before approved, their characters are locked. We adopt a policy in which levels don't matter in roleplay.
Greetings...and looking forward to see you in game. And don't stab my chars again....;)