Conquest of the Horde

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Do to real life issues, I will be gone and I don't know when and if I will be coming back. I'll check up on the forums every now and then. Unfortunately, IRL I feel I have become extremely disconnected from the reality around me. I am trying to figure out WTF to do. That's all I can tell any of you. If I do not do this it will start affecting me in game, and bad things would happen. Rince's death is already a result of this.

So, for those of you wanting to know what has happen to my characters.

Vol'ajar is off on some personal adventure.
Kajind is in Orgrimmar chilling.
Nolith spontaneously combusted.
Nizzel is off doing some insane experiment in Northrend.

Bye for now. I hope you all have a better life than I currently am.
Hope things work out!
Wow, man. I hope everything turns out okay. :\ If not, atleast come back occasionally to tell us how everything went. I really hope you come back! See you when I see you, then.
Just an update. I think every now and then I will log on to RP. Not as often as I used to, though.