Conquest of the Horde

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Hey, I would like to request that Quel'Dorei steeds be changed so they can be bought and rode by both horde and alliance (right now, only alliance can buy them and ride them). This request comes from my own selfish desires, I admit, but I am sure there are other blood elves out there who would enjoy having them as mounts.
Sounds good to me, even though I don't have a Belf.
C'mon...No other horde like this idea?

I don't think I've even seen a single alliance use it....
It certainly looks better than the Hawkstrider. When I look at my Belf on a Hawkstrider, it kind of looks like an adult sitting on a kiddie-ride :D Its odd .. but in my particular case, odd works.

I wonder if there is a settings-related reason why belves cannot summon the steed?
Fitting and epic! D: They should be able to use their true mount....I wonder why it was never released for Horde >:
I've suggested this several times in the past. But i doubt it'll become a reality unless a fair few more people become interested in it.

Until it comes out though, I just make do with a Zhevra and say that the stripes are battle-paint :)
een tempted to ticket it, but I see since now WoW retail supports alliance changing, that if you have it as a hordie, it changes to the equivalent... hawk strider. >< I wish there were at least a black swift hawkstrider, but noooo. Boo on Blizz for cursing us with hawkstriders!!!
Velasco Wrote:I wish there were at least a black swift hawkstrider, but noooo.
Have you considered the Swift Warstrider? It's a PvP mount that is available at the farmlands, close to where you are able to purchase your hawkstriders. It's black-ish.
Actually, I have. xD Its still a failstrider. :P

Please don't force us to ride the flamboyant turkeys anymore. :-/
So you'd rather be riding a unicorn?

But the "Quel'Dorei" itself makes it seem that it is not for horde. The remaining Quel'Dorei, High Elves, have gone with the Alliance, which would make the mount not very good for roleplaying.

It's pretty much like a Gnome on a Kodo.
Blood Elves used to be High Elves. I don't see why it's so ridiculous that one would still have their mount from what? Six or seven years ago?
Yes but even if they used to be Quel'Dorei, they now have a strong hatred for them which would most likely include their mounts.
I... Highly doubt that if someone from say, the middle of the Sahara had their family tortured and killed by their tribe, then they themselves got tortured, that they would start to hate their family camel. :|
"Oh, we hate them now, why do we still use the horses we had when we agreed with them?"

"Yeah, let's switch to these crappy bird things!"

...I don't see it happening either.
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