Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Freakin' Surgery!
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Well kinda. To whom it may concern tomorrow I get to have 4 wisdom teeth and a 12-year molar removed. Fun times, so I hear.

Any who... I will be out of commission for a few days, I may lurk the forums if I feel up to it. Most likely I'll be back in-game later next week.
Ooh, I had that surgury. Best sleep ever, plus I got to eat lots of frozen treats.

The pain sucks, and you have to keep the holes in your gums clean, but you usually get some awesome pain meds and it's a good excuse to sleep all day, so huzzah!

Good luck in your surgery!
Yeah, that's not very much fun.
Stock up on yogurt, pudding, jell-o, soft things like that.
And gauze pads. Your mouth is going to bleed.
It's not all that bad, though. Don't worry too much.
Hehe thanks. I'm not worried or anything, I'll just have to find my gameboy while I will be in that twilight state of awake and asleep methinks.
I hope it all goes well! I had this myself once. IT will not hurt too much!
Well it turns out I didn't ave surgery. Apparently I was so dehydrated today they couldn't get a vein. Trust me on this, I have the puncture wounds to prove they tried.

Any how, I'll probably be on and off though.