Conquest of the Horde

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So, C0rzilla and I were curious about something. How do you guys think the Forsaken view nudity in general? As they were once human, it could make sense that they'd still cloth themselves out of decency, as they don't exactly need it for protecting against the weather anymore. Then again, most Forsaken view life differently than they did before, so perhaps their naked, rotting form means nothing to them - especially since physical relationships are a complete impossibility. I guess it would all come down to their ability to feel physical attraction, despite not having the means to satisfy it. What do you think?
In my opinion, they might where clothes as per their interactions.

Say a Forsaken is a mage in a magical order, let's say Kirin Tor. He will clothe himself to not unsettle his peers or maybe out of respect.

And maybe that's why they clothe themselves anyway, out of respect of anyone who may see them. But since they sort of have a "I don't care" attitude, that would be skewed.

But, they would still wear armor and that might be the same with clothes; they don't want to speed up the process of decomposition.

I think i'll end with that. /nod.

Excellent question though...
To go off topic for just a second, you make me pose another question. Are Forsaken still decomposing? Would the same thing that's keeping them animated stop the process of natural decomposition? They're not dead, after all, but undead.

To go back on-topic: I think your hypothesis makes a lot of sense. Their interaction with other orders would demand clothing. It still makes me wonder if they still view it in the same way humans do.
For your on-topic question, I think that they might. Death, I hear, is quite a traumatic event and i'm sure being resurrected would be too. So, I guess it depends on their overall view of it, sort of if the human part of them was totally killed or not. Or since they lived lives where they wore clothing all the time, they would just do it in unlife too, habit if you will.

Now, the off-topic question. I wouldn't think so. The necromatic forces keeping them "unlive" seems to me as a sort of area of effect thing. Like, the Lich King just blasted an area with necromatic energy and whatever came up, he controlled. I don't think he would take time and make them one by one. Of course, I could be wrong, but that's how I see it.
What exactly does raising them one-by-one have to do with anything, though? It's still some type of magic force that's being used to make them not-dead. Whether by Plague or straight-up necromancy, something is keeping them "unlive". This was a question on my part, however. I don't know if it's ever been stated if the Forsaken and/or all undead creatures, even DKs, are still decaying.

On-topic: I definitely see the habit part of it. I've always assumed that's why they wear clothes. They are technically humans, despite the traumatic event. It keeps coming back to the same question: do they have physical desires even though they cannot satisfy them? I'd think not, as I don't believe they have the chemical processes that make desire what it is. Which leads me to believe they'd have no qualms with nudity.
Well the only naked NPCs in Undercity are captured prisoners. If that tells you anything.
Jeff Wrote:Well the only naked NPCs in Undercity are captured prisoners. If that tells you anything.
That leads me to believe two things:
  • They don't care for the decency of their test subjects (do we care about how our lab rats feel?)

    Nudity isn't something they think about anymore, mostly due to the lack of chemical processes that control desire. That's really the only logical reason we wear clothing outside environmental effects. That, and Protestant religions.
I doubt they would mind, but then again, they think themselves superior.
If they had their word in the world, everyone would be naked except for them.
What? No. Eww.

Clothes. Just... clothes. Yes, yes. CLOTHES.

Unless you want to slit open your belly, fish out your entrails and use the pelvic cavity as a pouch....
It helps to have clothing for the pockets.
Two very good points so far - practicality and force of habit.

This post made me think of some old ghost stories where the ghosts of the deceased would revisit places where they resided when alive and do menial things like rock in a chair, or perform some simple daily task. Such apparition stories - or at least the ones that I have head, do not depict the dead as being naked, rather such ghosts would be seen wearing whatever they would normally wear.

I have to wonder if whoever implemented the undead in this game perhaps was inspired by similar popular ghost stories.

Would they crave human things? I would like to think so. Imagine a deceased spirit returning yearly to favorite playground which had some joyful memories. Perhaps in doing so they accidentallty spook out some of the living by moving an unoccupied swing.

Perhaps one might stalk a loved one. Perhaps they are crushed with pain and sorrow because they desparately want to reunite with that person but cannot. Perhaps they crave every aspect of their human experience ( including physical contact )

Perhaps some drag around feeling sorrow, perhaps some are embittered and spiteful over what they have lost. Perhaps some are in something that resembles a severe hangover with a touch of amnesia ?

Just food for thought.
This is an excellent example on what questions or rather oppinions comes down to each and every character. But I think the general thought on nudity among forsaken is the same as among the humans they were before. Undeath is a horrible statsis...

As for your off-topic question; They experience wear and tear but are not actually rotting, something in the raising process scares away the entropic bacteria and insects. But they have -NO- general regeneration at all so they need to visist a necro now and then to make sure they are not falling apart.
Personally, the Death Knights wouldn't decay due to their frosty aura.
Stuff stops decomposing when frozen right? They may still decompose, but it would take a very, very long time.
The roleplaying guide states that, while undead, they're still decomposing -- just at a much slower rate of decay:
Quote:Necromantic magic keeps them somewhat preserved, buy natural decay still proceeds, just slower than normal.

Regarding their beliefs on nudity, it would come down to the individual. In general, there's no reason for them to be concerned with how they're dressed (or even if they're dressed), but a number of them most likely cling to the patterns of behavior and social conduct that they learned while still alive. Clothing is also a form of self-expression and I could see some Forsaken turning to clothes and selecting things to help define who they are (especially since quite a few have little memory of who they were or are individuals lacking what defined them before in life).

Plus some may wear clothes because of what that clothes represents. The Forsaken article mentions a number of Shadow priests who continue to mockingly wear the robes of practitioners of the Light; they've allowed the clothes to become soiled and haven't mended them in order to underscore their haughty disdain for their former beliefs.
I figure the Echo of Life types are more likely to wear clothes than not.
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