Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Usage of the word COUGH COUGH NAUGHTY WORD
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Ahh, the glorious f-word :)

This is my favorite word; I use it all the time in real life. Why? Because with one, single-syllable word I can quickly and efficiently express what I'm feeling at the moment and it feels good to say, so I tend to use it frequently. Despite this, I don't use it in game. I think it looks kind of cheap or unprofessional when writing. In-character substitutions are even worse as they don't have the same taboo feel that a well established swear word does.

I think there are more creative things that can be done in game as a substitution. From a story writing perspective, the f word is much too terse. I think its better for a character to do something and than to just short circuit the moment with a single word. If a character is pissed, I think its better to emote kicking something or someone, mumbling something incoherent, perhaps even throwing something at the person or thing they are pissed at. Another amusing alternative might be for the character to misdirect that aggression.

Another thing to consider is frequency of use. Using the same word several times in a single paragraph is normally discouraged, so why would I use the wonderful f word as a noun, verb, adjective and adverb all in one sentence? Better to use it just once at the right moment for optimal impact.

Just my two coppers.

Not to mention it being extremely childish.

Oh wait, I already DID mention that :)
HownDoog Wrote:The way I see it is the characters are actually speaking a language different than our own.
Every language will have its own special word with the same connotation as 'f**k'.
Xigo Wrote:There's nothing wrong with a character saying any words, really. Keep in mind everyone, 'Common' is not 'English'. For all we know, they might really be speaking spanish in Common. Why? Because everything's translated for us when it comes to common.

This and this. First page, 100% correct, give the turtle and the angry robot a cigar.

The word is a verbal crutch, essentially, and it shouldn't be a concern if it's being used that way in-character.

If it really, sincerely bothers you, I would recommend turning your profanity filter on and using your imagination to replace the word with "frackin'," "frell," or some other phrase that means nothing in English but has the connotation of the original word in Pseudo-Common.

But, then, you're not really changing anything at all.
Seraphim Wrote:
HownDoog Wrote:The way I see it is the characters are actually speaking a language different than our own.
Every language will have its own special word with the same connotation as 'f**k'.
Xigo Wrote:There's nothing wrong with a character saying any words, really. Keep in mind everyone, 'Common' is not 'English'. For all we know, they might really be speaking spanish in Common. Why? Because everything's translated for us when it comes to common.

This and this. First page, 100% correct, give the turtle and the angry robot a cigar.

The word is a verbal crutch, essentially, and it shouldn't be a concern if it's being used that way in-character.

If it really, sincerely bothers you, I would recommend turning your profanity filter on and using your imagination to replace the word with "frackin'," "frell," or some other phrase that means nothing in English but has the connotation of the original word in Pseudo-Common.

But, then, you're not really changing anything at all.

You should have read the second page where I proved that common is a mix of modern english, latin, other languages that use the latin alphabet, and some made up language.
Here's how I see it, people who say "The word f**k shouldn't be in this setting" is akin to saying "Common is English" or "WoW is set in an era equivilent to Earth's history".

Neither of these things are true.

Also, the word f**k has been around forever. It roughly means to "Kill/Stab with a sharp stick".

Interestingly enough, back when the British used long bows, and had a military advantage, their enemies would cut off their middle fingers to spite them. So the British bowmen addopted a little saying... where before the battle they'd extend their middle fingers and say "f**k you!" before launching their arrows (sharp sticks) between someone's ribs.

I learned this from my history professor, who was wonderfully entertaining back when I had started college. Cool story, even if it may be false, aye?
Rensin Wrote:Here's how I see it, people who say "The word f**k shouldn't be in this setting" is akin to saying "Common is English" or "WoW is set in an era equivilent to Earth's history".

Neither of these things are true.

Also, the word f**k has been around forever. It roughly means to "Kill/Stab with a sharp stick".

Interestingly enough, back when the British used long bows, and had a military advantage, their enemies would cut off their middle fingers to spite them. So the British bowmen addopted a little saying... where before the battle they'd extend their middle fingers and say "f**k you!" before launching their arrows (sharp sticks) between someone's ribs.

I learned this from my history professor, who was wonderfully entertaining back when I had started college. Cool story, even if it may be false, aye?

Yes, that was very entertaining actually. I love history.
Didnt know the sharp part of the word, but I remembered the middle finger origin. Good ol english dishing out harshness to the french.
Also, for those who are disecting it needlessly to the point of saying it has a basis in Latin and English... yeeeah. Of course it is. You know why? It's a language set in a fantasy world. We can't really comprehend it, and it's not fleshed out like J.R.R. Tolkein's languages, so Blizz did the best they could to basically make it a "Different Language". Unless you're trying to tell me that the words for, cup, pee, too, two, dog, cat, jog, and run all mean BUR in Common, as the Hordies have a diceroll of seeing it.

It's not a real language guys. You can't speak common. English is the substitute, sorry.

Edit: What I mean by a "diceroll" is that there is a set of probably twenty to thirty odd three letter words that common uses to substitute for your three letter words. From that pool, it's determined what your word will "be".

I think it's something like... more than twenty some letters will be determined as gibberish and will be returned with a random assortment of letters in a like turn.

What this boils down to methinks? Stop overthinkin' stuff. Some people like to use the "EFF WORD", and some of you aren't used to it being spout out.
Personally, I don't understand why we shouldn't be able to use it because Common is a different language. Sure it is, but we don't actually type in common. Saying we shouldn't say 'f**k' simply because it's not a word in common doesn't really suffice to me, because almost none of the words we say would be words in common.

Sure, we can use filler words, but there's only so much effect those words can carry without sounding completely silly. I don't see a problem with using swear words in-game. Just imagine they transfer to a different word just as any other word would. And of course, if you're for whatever reason offended by them, just turn on your filter and pretend $#%& is a word of your choosing!

To prevent flaming, of course, this is all my opinion. Because I said it, didn't I?
Personally, I don't mind if someone says it. ICly they could find a much more interesting, and amusing, variant... but if they don't then, does it really matter?

Also, that whole thing about the English longbowmen sticking their fingers up at the French is a load of crap. It wasn't even the middle finger, it was the first and middle, which is one of our 'swear words' when using fingers. Middle or both first and middle, you're taught not to use them as a kid anyway.
Point is, it likely never happened, even if it sounds funny and awesome when you first hear it.

Fun Fact of my day: In the city of York, it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow ;) I'd imagine he'd be swearing if you tried to murder him.
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