Conquest of the Horde

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I'm sorry everyone, but I'm having computer problems. This means I won't be able to get on WoW or the forums for the short term future at least. I don't know when I'll be back but I will return as soon as I can.

As far as IC goes, and I'm sure this goes somewhere else but I don't have a lot of time to hunt for it. Lilyanis has become on of the unwaking if I even need an excuse. Haven't really RPed anyone else.
Lia Wrote:I'm sorry everyone, but I'm having computer problems. This means I won't be able to get on WoW or the forums for the short term future at least. I don't know when I'll be back but I will return as soon as I can.

Good luck! ;3 Computer problems are a pain. >.< Looking forward to see you back!
Lia Wrote:I'm sorry everyone, but I'm having computer problems. This means I won't be able to get on WoW or the forums for the short term future at least. I don't know when I'll be back but I will return as soon as I can.

This tends to happen to me at least three times a month. :3
We shall eagerly await your return.
OK So I have no found a temporary solution for my problem. But it probably won't last long, I shall be forced to leave yet again at any moment. Just thought I should update this here. *sigh* Why does life have to be so complicated sometimes...
That's it can't be here for a while. So talk to you all later! *grumbles* Damn comp problems....
Out of curiosity, what are your computer problems? Mr. A+ certified here might be able to offer suggestions if more information is available. Granted, it's hard for me to diagnose without actually seeing the computer or using remote desktop assistance, but I could try, hehe.
Oh if it only where that simple, the computer that I was using is taking a trip with it's owner basically. If it was something more technical I wouldn't have a problem in the first place. :(
*sniffles* Nardor will miss Lily.

Keep safe, and come back soon.

I know *hugs Ren, Nardor and a weeping Lily*

But I think I might just reset everything with Lily and all my other characters with the reset, aka they where never there. Mostly because I have no clue when and how often in between I will be able to come back on a perma basis. Right about now it's going to be on and off for little bits with no since of permanency.
I am back!

.... Sort of and sporadically but it's better than before ^_^
Yay. :D