Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: [DP] Bovel is making a another list!
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Yeah I am making a list of all participants in the Draenic Pilgrimage with important details for me as arranger of the events.

First I need some forum accounts for these characters;

Then I wonder, Dearny and Eicha, what gender and classes are they?

Special faction! Yes, I want to know if your character is part of some faction besides the Alliance. Like for example that Vestalaan is part of the Aldors. This can be secret memberships too.

Lastly and most important, is there _ANYTHING_ you want me to know about your character? A curse they carry, a crippling fear or epic dream? Whatever you think is important and I might be able to also use in the events and plots. (If you wish to keep this secret just PM it to me.)

Thanks fer yer cooperation!
From the wiki, we have:
I couldn't find Artermos, Epia, Eicha, and Dearny, sorry!
Oh, thanks Piroska!

(Sneaky, sneakier? I was gonna wait with that for a week to get a sense if any of the people participating check [DP] marked threads and puts something down. But too late for that now ,p)
I usually check DP marked threads. Although, there's not much Abby can do know since she's freaking blind.
What, when did she go blind?!
Bovel Wrote:What, when did she go blind?!

A few days ago. She got her eyes gouged out by Seryr.