Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Cataclysms Effect on Elementals
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Anyone know what the lore-related effect of Cataclysm is going on to have on the elements? Specifically dealing with Shamans, as the elementals will be more in-your-face and less of a spiritual sort of thing. Just wondering if anyone has a bead on this yet.
Elementals have always been an in-your-face thing for Shamans, seeing as they actually speak with them and ask them to do magic for them. I guess the Elemental plane would only get stronger, and Shamans would have to be stronger to control the power they could be granted by the greater Elementals that exist closer to the Prime Material.
I just seems to me the elementals would be less likely to aid a shaman. I mean, they've returned to the prime plane of existence and that's all thanks to a giant dragon...wouldn't they be under his thrall? Or at least look a shaman and say "Yeah, um...I can get it myself, thanks though."
Earthen Ring will have a huge load of work to do since the balance must surely be interupted when several of the elemental realms spill into Azeroth!! I think that the shamans will experience their powers to have become more volitaile and less reliable.
There can only be one, when the time come fires consumes all.

To be serious, I think there's plenty for shamans to do. The whoe cataclysm thing would likely disrupt the balance of the elements.
I like Bovel's thought that they become volatile. So you might make your call to fire and instead getting a regular lightening bolt you incinerate the next four targets.

Hope you like your bear well done!
I'm fine with anything about Cataclysm except the actual Cataclysm. Is it really necessary to destroy the entire world? I think not.
Blizzard apparently thought so. Warhammer's world is still mostly intact. But us? Nooooo...

Personally I was all about see the dragon erupt and have 3000 shamans standing around him ready and waiting...BOOM dead. I think that would show the world who's boss. But then of course some Paladin would cry "they're so overpowered"...

But I digress.
Well, it's important that remember that conflict can help stimulate stories and allow characters to evolve. If the world never ever changed, we'd stagnant. I mean, look at our own server; how often do people request that the staff organize events in order to make the world more exciting? In fact, there was a recent thread in the suggestions subforum requesting for more server occurrences, such as unplanned natural disasters that would create "character building and action."

A cataclysmic event on this scale substantially changes the world. Think of the potential for roleplay! The world will be entirely different. Things and people we knew may not be around. Efforts that we've made may finally come to fruition or be totally destroyed. Think of the immediate concerns our characters may have:
  • Where are my friends and loved ones?
  • How did this happen?
  • Will it happen again?
  • How can I prevent this from occurring again?
  • What benefit can I derive from the chaos?
  • Will I survive the ordeal?

There's a lot of potential for roleplay and I think that being resistant to the changes will actually prevent people from being able to enjoy them!
This is the major difference between a book world and a living-digital world such as this. Like life things are continuously ongoing. Sadly it also means that if you wanted to participate in X event in the history of the game you've missed out and that's that. So that is rather not fun.