Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: What about the children?
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Wuvvums Wrote:I think also mentioned you can play the child as an adult and have their parent character too- it's just at the very least the parent would be 12 years or older depending on the race(and I know it may sound iffy but I have heard IRL of humans having children as young as 12).

After all, you can be grown up, and still have a parent.
Except Lia specifically mentioned roleplaying the conception, birth, and raising of the child before being able to roleplay him as an adult. This is not possible, not unless an individual was willing to wait until -- at the earliest -- fifteen expansions down the road. If World of Warcraft was still around at the time!

As you and others have mentioned, yes, you can roleplay family members including parents and children. However, being able to roleplay all of which Lia has requested starting at this point in the timeline is just not feasible.
As Piroska said, we do not allow that sort of thing.
Yeah, I figured as much but thought I would ask regardless.

The time travel was something that I did on retail and I will never, EVER do that AGAIN!! It ended up killing both the mother, unborn child and future child by opening a time rift because mostly I was creating a paradox. This left the mother with no possible resurrection and when I did I encountered so many problems that....*shudder* I'm not doing it again and I don't recommend it to anyone. I'm also very glad that it's not allowed on this server.

As far as having a child being born to an underaged mother, I'm sure it is possible and probably a special profile as well. Main reason I was asking is because of the different romances that can arise in game, and eventually the couple will want children; and the player will want to play some point, not necessarily as NPC's along side the parent(s).

Thank you all for replying to my (slightly) stupid question.
There is no such thing as a stupid question unless you already know the answer.
Yes it was because I already did.... *sigh* I hope the custom character model ID's are possible and implemented at some point....that would be lovely....
I remember I RPed a kid in another game once, it was kinda fun :D
I had so much fun, because kids are treated totally different from adults :)

In this server, for example, a kid mage could NEVER EVER do a rank 8 Fireball... They could barely conjure water, if even that... Unless they are the uber-child-of-prophecy-that-get-all-the-uber-skill-at-birth.

If you RP like... a 12 year old, then it all depends on how much training you've had. I'm sure a 12 year old could conjure water if they've had a long enough training, but it wouldn't be like "Poof, water here", but more like "*starts doing* 10 seconds pass... "It's hard..." another 10 seconds pass. *tap water tadah!*".
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