Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Computer wiped ... down for a while
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Well, my hard drive got jumbled somehow, and no, I didn't back it up like I should have.. doh!
not even my .wine directory...
and I didn't have a convenient place to dump the 50gigs or so of wow files...
nor the time to burn it to CDs..
nor the desire to stick with Ubuntu..

*smacks forehead*

So... I got all impatient and pissed and decided to just wipe it and start from scratch o_O

* grins as he points to the Arch Linux logo*

I hope to be up in a week or so.. though I might wait for Cataclysm so I don't have to sit there and patch the hell out of it... Right now its just a matter of finding the spare time...
Aww. . . Bye Bye! I hope to see you within a week!