Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Goodbye Everybody
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Pages: 1 2
Seeing as it's the first of next month and i'm not apparent on the server, I figure i'd take the time to say that i'm coming back to (( LOCATION CENSORED BY GOVERNMENT )) on the 3rd of this month, this upcoming Tuesday! See you nubs then!
Yaaaay! <3
Yaaay! How was ( LOCATION CENSORED BY THE GOVERNMENT )? I remember one time at ( LOCATION CENSORED BY THE GOVERNMENT ) I got hit by a ( OBJECT CENSORED BY THE GOVERNMENT ). I managed to destroy the infestation with a ( GUN CENSORED BY THE GOVERNMENT )...


You have been missed.
Welcome back Anski!
My computer lagged significantly when I went onto his page. That can't be good...

I have the feeling I got a virus from (CENSORED BY THE GOVERNMENT).
Pages: 1 2