Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: ...Movvinngg....again. :/
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We got our house last Monday, and since then I have been driving an hour and a half (there and back) between there and said temporary residence. We've finished painting, but today we are starting to move our things in and decorate...Not to mention we still have lots of yard work and yadda yadda yadda before my husband goes back to work Monday...When I am supposed to get my internet hooked up? Uh...I have no idea at this point, they said Monday but...They haven't scheduled a time.

What does this mean for you? Well, it means I won't randomly be popping on to the server to fill out tickets and harassgive hugs to you. I might be on the forums via my cellular fone-izzle. But other than that...Not much, really.

Hurpa durpa.
This is why you buy an iPhone with WoW.
[Image: wow-iphone.jpg]
Yah, it's a joke.
Moving sucks.
Gratz to the new house, Cressy, sounds awesome.
Yeah moving is never fun, but you have a house now so after a little bit of work it's going to be a lot of fun. Just imagine all the LAN parties. Get your internet hooked up and we'll see you in-game soon.
Welcome back! :mrgreen:

Welcome back! Also, if you call tonight, remind me to call up and have that cable guy FIRED.