Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Companions
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Hey there everyone, Beltharean here (obviously), and I'm just gonna make a little post about companions. While the server's been asploded, I've been working on a little something I've been meaning to get around to for quite some time; Wiki article for your pets and mounts. For example, I've been working on Neptulon, Don's Talbuk's page for a little while:

Neptulon's Page

I have quite a bit of free time now, so if any of you are interested I'd be happy to make a page for your pet or mount, just post here if you're interested and I'll toss you a PM. For those of you interested in making your own, feel free to PM me about that as well. Here's a list of people who have wiki articles up so far.

Companions Wiki Page


-Short bit of important information

Pet Full Name:
Skin/coat/carapace colouring(pick which one applies):


In-depth description of the companion's appearance.
(If you want a picture, put it here, or I'll just put the default picture for that species)


The history of the companion before and during your time with them!
And where would we post our companions profile?
Just a couple of notes for those interested in making pages on their own!

  1. Do not place your pets, companions, or whatever under the main namespace! The article should be located under the character owner's name. For example, as you see with Neptulon, Don Bronco's mount, the article is actually Don/Neptulon. This will help with organizing all of the companions and also prevent multiple companions from fighting over article namespaces (for example, if everyone and his mother had some sort of pet named Midnight or something).
  2. Companions should be placed under the Companion category. Remember, no article should ever be uncategorized!
  3. Images for companions should go under the Companion images category.

As before, I have a number of very short, very simple guides to the wiki on my blog. They should be able to guide you in very basic wiki editing and etiquette.
I'm of the opinion that this is a phenomenal idea -- mostly because it means that the wiki might see more activity again, but, hey, I tend to have a fairly singular focus.

Plus it means that I can start featuring companions on the main page as featured articles. This is good! I'm running out of character images to use unless I start featuring multiple profiles from the same people.
This seems to have piqued the interest of several people once again, so I just figured I would bump the main thread in case anyone else wanted to look at the specifics of the whole thing.