Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Seeing eye to eye.
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Well! Now that I've thrown down an introduction in hopes of being approved I figure I might as well stay active and get some thoughts down that maybe you could all give some input on.

With the Roleplay ideas being tossed around for my new character, I'm fairly confident he'll turn out Blood Elf. Now one thing I've always had trouble with (If only because people are so torn on it) Is eye color.

Are all Sin'Dorei to have green eyes? Yes or no.

I can say I myself see both sides having valued points and have read all through the races section here on the forum and didn't find anything touching on it.

Some say it's possible to be a Sin'Dorei (Of course, High Elves aren't allowed) And still have blue eyes. There is even text out there saying High Elves did have violet and red shades as well. Though that aside if one wasn't to draw heavily on Fel magics and just used the magic of small local creatures to stay sustained, would their eyes still turn green?

I nabbed this off Warcraft Encyclopedia:

Quote:Even so, the prince's relatively quick acceptance of dire measures (e.g., draining magic from demons) is by no means characteristic of blood elves in general. The blood elves of Outland have by now discovered Kael'thas' agreement with Illidan, and they have for the most part become convinced of its necessity. Most blood elves still live on Azeroth, though. Few of these elves know of Kael'thas' pact with Illidan, and many would be horrified if they discovered it. Draining magic from small mana-bearing vermin is a far cry from draining magic from demons. Yet, as their hunger grows, blood elves--particularly those in Outland--are becoming increasingly inured to the things they must do in order to obtain more magic.

Though the sins of Kael'thas are well in the open now this would note that not all Sin'Dorei used too and do draw on any tainted or fel energy. Sustained on small mana-bearing vermin. So would their eyes still change green?

On the flip side, others say it's like second-hand smoke. AN effect just from being around it. The corrupt magic no doubt flows through the lines under the city, but does one have to draw upon it to change, or just being in close proximity will make all eyes emerald.

So, can Sin'Dorei have eyes other then green?
No, they cannot.
We're not allowed to make characters that go against the in game model. I can't say my Blood Elf has red eyes when his in game model has green eyes. Even if they could have different eye colors, we're not allowed to.

And that bit of lore is iffy to me.
It's not that we can't look different, it's that Blood Elves don't have eyes of any other color. To become a Blood Elf, you needed to use Fel Crystals for energy, thereby getting green eyes.
Oh, you can definitely have eye colors that are not displayed by the models. For example, the vast majority of female orc faces (all of them perhaps?) have blue eyes. Yet we know that orc eye colors can also include brown, amber, hazel, and red -- and that blue is often a sign of great potential or destiny. Any of those colors would be acceptable, even though the models may depict only one color.

Our stance in regards to the blood elf eye color is that it is part of the changes wrought on the blood elves as a result of their magical dependency and ultimately utilizing the ability to drain magic from other sources as originally taught to them by Illidan. The monster guide of the roleplaying game states that the consumption of energy from fel sources has made their eyes change in color to a glowing fel green. Furthermore, these changes are not temporary; there are signs that the entire race has been forcefully and magically twisted into something entirely different from their quel'dorei cousins.

Part of what makes a blood elf a blood elf is not just that they happened to survive the destruction of Quel'thalas but also that they've chosen to feed their addictions by siphoning mana from other creatures. This is unlike the high elves who refuse to give into that drive, especially to the extent that the blood elves have done so. Without this key catalyst, your character would not be a blood elf but instead a high elf.

And high elves are not a playable race on Conquest of the Horde.
Well, good to know. Seems Blood Elves have a bit of a special case then. Though some could argue all day on it, I could see it being much more convenient and practical for the GMs to just say "No, you can't" On this one.

Thanks again for the input.