Conquest of the Horde

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Aphetoros Wrote:
Manufreak101 Wrote:
Vind101 Wrote:(2) Also, not all classes have a proper, strong and something-to-be-proud-of prestige class, like druids, unfortunately, as all we got is a prestige class is where we stick to one animal form for a long time, and when we try tom revert to our normal form, we'll find it nearly impossible. Plus all the RP you'll get is with animal NPCs (Unless someone tags along). As much as I want to chill with the cats in the Barrens in my travel form, I really don't see much fun in that.

For the sake of completion, the traditional Druid Prestige list would look more like this (In no particular order):

Ley Walker
Archdruid/Epic Druid
After reading what Piroska and Nostra had to say, I think its best to keep things how they are though I still wish there was a specific roll combat system for Prestige Classes. Perhaps the closest to that would be the system which Duskwolf had devised.

Quote:That is, the prestige will have advantages in certain areas but will have disadvantages in others. Ideally the class would be balanced so there is no class that can say they will allways win a fight against X or Y.

That can't be said for most all Prestige Classes though.
Personally, depending on the prestige, I think they should indeed be noticeably more powerful, as that is what it alludes in the descriptions of some of them, let alone exhibits with some/many of their abilities. However, I just never really worry about it since I specifically avoid combat RP. Of course, if someone tries to pick a fight with me intentionally with that knowledge, I will take advantage of my being a GM/DM.

I won't deny that there are those that always want a fair fight regardless of realism, just so they can say they beat up 'UberCharacter' or 'PrestigeClass' while they themselves are nothing but, say, a fledgling fighter. That's why I would probably support prestiges having an advantage, but as mentioned previously, then people will be aiming for a prestige class for the simple fact of being 'more powerful' in combat RP.
Kretol Wrote:...but as mentioned previously, then people will be aiming for a prestige class for the simple fact of being 'more powerful' in combat RP.

If you are thinking of introducing some new system, don't let this reason stop you from doing so.

I highly doubt anyone would work on a 15-20 page storyline for several weeks to get some advantage in combat situations, as said in previous posts.
Shane Wrote:
Kretol Wrote:...but as mentioned previously, then people will be aiming for a prestige class for the simple fact of being 'more powerful' in combat RP.

If you are thinking of introducing some new system, don't let this reason stop you from doing so.

I highly doubt anyone would work on a 15-20 page storyline for several weeks to get some advantage in combat situations, as said in previous posts.

My question to you is, why would they do that without being able to enjoy the power they'd be getting? Regardless of whether it's for storyline advancement or a leg up on other people, players who use the system will gain power IC'ly because the classes are inherently more powerful than the standard starting classes. Is that a bad thing? No, it's something we can accept and deal with as reasonable people and good roleplayers. It's up to people to decide on how they'll conduct themselves before they go into things like this, so that disagreements are few. If you want prestige classes to have a bonus you can agree on it ahead of time with each other.

And as an added note, the GM team has never and likely will never support a universal roll-system for the server. People can choose whatever they want to do to decide battles, and can agree on their choice of system beforehand based on personal preference.
The general question - Should it be imposed that stronger characters ar to be recognised as such? And the specific question of - Should it be imposed that (combat) prestige classes be given IC-combat advantage? both, for me, come down to the same means of analysing things:

A. People will, often enough, try to get combat advantage and have their character win win win by whatever means they find.

If that's the case, the mentality should be discouraged by them having no guarantee of a win against anyone they may use the powerlevel of the character to pick on.

or B. People are reasonable and will figure things out in a realistic and satisfactory manner.

In which case there is no need for a rule.

Within the same line of reasoning, I categorise my characters into combat characters and non-combat characters. (In the system of 1 to 5, 1s and 5s) The ones never get into fights or get ruined if they do, the fives are good enough at what they do so that it is realistic that they would go into any likely fight with even odds (I percieve some 90% of characters on CotH to be of this type and find it natural that it woulde be the case).

An exception occured during the combat-training-rounds for my Warmage initiate character - in which he has to fight other "pure breed" fighters without using defensive and/or offensive magic. In these cases, I give him a whopping -25 to the said offensive and/or defensive rolls. With training and over time, that penalty will be reduced.

-so, being against a hard and fast rule, but recognising that to 'feel' the prestige (in many cases), to make the work for it more worth it and to make the RP more realistic, it would be necessary to be given some advantage

-taking note that it's unlikely for someone that has a prestige application approved and writes volumes for it to be type to abuse it (And even so - you can still get ganged up on if you pick fights and piss people off IC)

-taking note that we're talking 1 character/account

-looking at the fact that event organises -usually- recognise prestige titles in events now

I think a -guideline- could be added to server policy along the lines of : "Players are stongly encouraged to recognise the effects, advantages and disadvantages of a prestige class character in their RP and mechanical translation thereof."

Should mechanical implementations of Prestiges ever become the case - a few random ideas (in the classical /100 system with around 6 hp):

Berserker: Only needs +20 on attack rolls to crit, you only need 30 + to crit against them.

Warmage: Twice per combat, may makea a magic+melee attack that has +20 on the attack roll.

Duelist: (In a combat without defensive counters:) Counters when he defends with a 60+. (In a combat with counters:) Only needs 35+ to counter.

Gladiator: +5 on all offensive rolls.

Shooter classes: Always starts first, +10 to the first attack roll.
I am in favor of significant bonuses to prestige characters. Mainly because most of the people who work hard enough to get to a powerful prestige usually aren't just doing it for a roll bonus. Sure, people will think about making a prestige character so that they can be more powerful, and some will even do it, but the storyline post requirement is really enough to keep out most if not all of the "lolol im a [insert powerful prestige class here] imma kill u" crowd.
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