Conquest of the Horde

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I was planning on making a new blood elf character who has a history being involved with the Scryers; he served them till his 'early retirement', two years ago.

Now I was wondering, did all of the blood elves who served Illidan in Outland come from the group that were sentenced to death with Kael'thas Sunstrider? Or did a larger amount later on regroup with them after the opening of the Dark Portal? I know that the Scryers were swiftly formed after the day the blood elves reunited with their brethren in Outland, but I'm not quite sure what this group consists of (yes, I do know all of them are blood elves, just not from which 'party' they're mostly from).

I can remember once reading something about a group that did return to their prince after it opened, but I'm not really sure, seeing as I'm a little rusty after my long hiatus from WoW.

Oh, as a side note, I do like to hear other little facts regarding this group if you can. The information on them is quite scarce, and it got me curious.
Well, in-game any race/class combination can join them, and Blood Elves are automatically considered 'Friendly' with the scryers, and Hostile with the Aldor. Since not every Blood Elf was following Voren'thal the Seer at the time of his defection, since not all were still with Kael.

Another interesting thing to note is the fact that Voren'thal is considered old to the other scryers which can be seen Here, as well as sick, which he himself says Here. Now I hate to seem long winded, but another important thing you should know seeing as you'll be playing a scryer, is that they're called such because -Seer- Voren'thal, their leader, saw A'dal in a vision where the only way Voren'thal and his men would survive was under the care of the Naaru. Scrying is a form of divination, associated with seers and the other forms of divination that they use.
Scryers are the "anti-fel" party. They seem to mostly be practitioners of the arcane, with a number of soldier-types as guardsmen and front-liners. While most of the "core" Scryers likely came from Kael'thas' group, I doubt that all of them were in his army at the time. A number of them could have been picked up along the way, or joined during or after the great pilgrimage to Outland. They most certainly didn't openly rebel against Kael'thas until he was certifiably insane near the latter part of the pilgrimages (Slightly before The Burning Crusade.).
Thanks you two; you have helped me greatly. I'm still not quite sure what to do with his history, but at least a lot has cleared up for me, and it's highly appreciated.