Conquest of the Horde

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Hi there fellow Coth players.

I've been playing on coth for over a year now. And I must admit that the quality of the Rp has both been increasing and decreasing through the year. Which in my opinion is logic, as we have a lot of players and there is a lot possible on this server.

But there are some slight things, that really bother me.

1) Blood elf's being tolerant towards, Night elves... :?:

If you read the lore about both races, you may realise that these two races are very violent towards each other. Why? Simple. Being exiled, the over use of arcane, the problems that occured in the time of the big sundering. These events made the bond between the two races, shacky.

Blood Elves are not even the kind that would be really 'nice' towards the other races... Why? Because they think they are better, they are very ignorant and very arrogant in their doings and believes.

2) "My character won't die". This is something that has been coming back a serveral times through my RP's. No character is invinsible. If you believe your character is, then you are simply Op'ing. Which isn't allowed on the server. It really bothers me to see that people think their character can do whatever they like, without bearing the consequences that he might get harmed or even be killed by another person. It's a game, and such events could create more opportunities for getting more/better RP and even improve the characters knowledge.

3) Three climbing plate wearing dwarves and the like.

The first thing that comes to my mind when seeing this sort of behaviour is. "WTF?". For one we all know plate armor is very heavy. Even for a dwarf. A priest, wearing warlock armor... While the runes on the robes describe some serious fell alignments. If you wish to create an armor that really suits you chracter, please be aware that some things just can't do. Priest wearing armors with runes on the robes, which show the affiliation to warlockery, and the other way around, isn't realistic anymore.

These things were kinda bothering me, and off course it wasn't meant to insult anyone. But I had to get this off my chest, before the restart. I mean I still enjoy my RP's and I see a lot of fun/cool RP's going on, but these little occurances bother me, as some are clearly explained through the lore. Just try to keep it a bit more realistic people.

We all play for fun, but the fun level decreases when people run around and do the things that are stated above.
I think, reguarding the first one alot of people want to make "non-racist" characters. But I have to admit WoW itself is heavily based around the racism between Horde and Alliance
Cross-Faction things are rare organisations in my view because most self respecting Horde/Alliance members wouldn't be caught dead helping the others

Evidence is in Icecrown, even in the most crucial of moments, Horde and Alliance members are at each others throats. People forget what each has done to each other.

As for the other two, I agree...and is it just me or is everybody (NPC majority included) in Azeroth packin' heat of some kind.
Honestly, all of this is common sense. You're noting an individual basis, so there isn't much we can do to address it. I've heard and even seen accounts of your first Something, and it doesn't please me either.

If you want your dwarf to climb a mountain in heavy plate, then there should be reasoning behind how he could do so, yada, yada - again, all common sense on an individual basis. Some people either just aren't thinking about it or want their character's to be "extra-unique" in the form of anti-lore or having a partner of a different (and often warring) faction. It's not common, and you can count on it being remedied at one point of the other, so there's no need to worry. Some people come from retail; remember that part.
As I saw it, I think we still have a right to say

"I don't want my character to die in this RP."

Even if, at some points, it's really stupid and all that, I think it would be idiotic that any random murderer would be able to kill our characters just like that.

Although, there is the point that if you, yourself, start murdering things and attacking everyone in sight, you should know it's possible that you'll die, no matter what you say.
Aren't the same people likely to go around murdering people the same people who go around pickpocketing...infront of guards...and targeting people in large amounts of metal gear (SNAA-*cough*)

I know its fantasy, but like said above, the concequences are obvious and giving someone an option to say "No, I don't want my character killed" kinda removes the whole idea of a living breathing world...what if the NPC's start doing it.
The simplest way to avoid having your character killed is to not put them in situations that might get them killed. I call it common sense, my characters wont go charging into a pack of Centaur or follow some shady guy who looks like they want to kill them, that's simply how they think, 'I don't want to die today'. Frankly, if you get yourself into situations that may get you killed, be prepared to be killed, there isn't really anything else to say about it. I would hate for my characters to die but, if it happens it'll happen. I might shed a tear or two.
About the killing.

I meant that once a character does something that brings him into a dangerious position, it would be realistic to beare the fact in mind that your character might be killed. Especially when you join guilds that by forehand already gave you a warning by either o the forums or ingame while you joined them.

And it's okay and totally understandable if people tell others not to let them character die, but most of the time that's because it was because of an arguement or the like that took place before the fight.

What I was trying to say is that if you don't want your character killed, don't try and 'threaten' other characters. Because before you know it, you'll end up in a fight RP, and your rolls suck. When you just have 1 hp left, you go insane and start Powergaming. Which is again not allowed.

I'm just trying to get something of my chest and indeed some of the things are common sense.

And about the cross faction thing.

I think that is okay, but why if a Night elf and a Blood Elf come across each other in Booty bay or Rachet, they start acting nice, offering each other a drink and the whatnot. That is just strange, if you read through teh RPG books, those things should be considered.

A Belf talking to a dwarf would make more sense, than the Nelf and the Belf liking each other.
In all honesty, these are things that have been in CoTH since I joined over two years ago. No matter how much common sense we've tried to instill in people, they don't quite listen. Even with a flashy green/blue/red name, they just look at it, and spout out things about "WELL UNIQUENESS" or "CREATIVITY" and the like.

Yes, everyone is different. Does it make sense for your Belf to get along with Night elves. Damn near never. Never ever. Not even slightly.

Will people listen? Probably not.

As for dying, that's a touchy issue. I myself have killed my main before, but I can see how people don't wish to get rid of something they've worked for months to establish.
Quote:No matter how much common sense we've tried to instill in people, they don't quite listen. Even with a flashy green/blue/red name, they just look at it, and spout out things about "WELL UNIQUENESS" or "CREATIVITY" and the like.

I agree with this...It makes me face roll when people roll Draenei that are overly 'friendly' with other races...Belf to Nelf relations should be near warlike in my opinon, but im content with...maybe or one or two exceptions...not the 50 or so that will be around by the time the server reaches its next reset...
Honestly, part of the reason I'm not here anymore... is because I just think that it's not going to change. People are somewhat better, but there is still a large majority that wants to roll a pretty race and have it prance around and be nice, so that the roleplay is more like a social get-together where we pretend to be other people rather than an actual friggan' RP.

I'm of the opinion that if people can't handle the idea of war and political strife they should be in an AIM chatroom, but that's me.

Sounds rough, I know, but years and years of watching people play this way has hardened my opinion of roleplayers in general. I mean, if we are here to portray a role in a viable way that fits in with the setting we've been given (which is the point of RP, and always has been) why are so many freakin' people breaking 'the mold'?
Well, what can there be said? This little 'problem' has come to light on more than one occasion before, and no matter how hard we try, there will always be that one person who likes to be different in an unacceptable way. Sure, we can debate about it, give our two cents. But did we also confronted them on their behavior? Let them say their saying before acting out on prejudice?

I can say I have talked to these people who liked being all OP and the like, saying 'I' was not happy with this, and that it went against CotH policies. Most of the time, they listen, and care to amend their mistakes. But there are enough who nods yes and do as if their nose bled when I see them doing it again.

My point is; don't just talk about it in the forums, but try to make a difference in the moment. I hate comparing men to dogs, but, things are easier to remember when confronted the moment you're undertaking it, then simply talking about it; makes the lesson stick. And don't be too lazy to give them a correct source of lore when they don't believe you on your word; facts are facts after all.
i actually don't mind if i'm doing something wrong and people call me out on it. i don't have any characters like the ones you described anyway, but i wouldn't be offended or anything if something stopped me said, "well actually delta, that's incredibly stupid of your draenei to do." and i will go, "alright thank you helpful RPer, i will double check what you said, and retcon it if it's true." and people have done this and i have changed it. if you honest to god know better, tell those people! a passive aggressive forum post isn't very helpful, it actually just rubs people the wrong way. i mean some people just don't want your help, that can't be helped, but it's worth a try.
Half of these posts were complaining that people will not listen, Delta. That's part of the problem. But I agree, making posts doesn't much help either, as some people just will not respect whatever reasoning you have against "I'm being creative", "Stop complaining and RP", etc.
oh, i know, i'm just saying there are lots of new players who welcome any help you vets have to offer!
Honestly, I've confronted lots of people on lots of things, and the overall reaction has been negative. Every time I have done so, the person tries to interprit the rules their own moshed way, or they throw back in my face things I've done in the past. The funny thing about CoTH, is that there is always waves of what people believe, and a majority of the topics that I see are so re-hashed that it's getting to the point where creativity is a relative term.

What I'm saying is that if people aren't receptive, things will never change. And many people aren't receptive here because in the world right now, especially the United States, people are so -used- to getting what they want, and relying on happyness that it's considered odd if you aren't happy, or you don't get what you want. The typical response with that? Anger, confusion, and a quick-to-judge hypocracy that revolves around the person's -wants-. It's truely distgusting, and the only way to prevent it is to either remove yourself from the "customer service" atmosphere (which is anything that pertains to a community now-a-days, apparently, especially if you provide a service) and to find other things to do.

People here think that they are right, and need to be catered to. But let's be realistic. This place is owned by someone that does this for their own entertainment, and we play by his rules. Some of us have tried to interject our own, but what we have set is what he wants.

Will this stop people from being lovey dovey elves that break every ammount of lore that's presented no matter how logical? No. Sorry. You can't make a duck a swan no matter how much you tell it to be one.
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