Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: The Sweepers
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[Work in Progress]
AIM: To perform a planned and coordinated 'sweep' of Silverpine Forest, to quote Rosie "Kill every Scarlet, kill all the Scourge, kill every damn rat and burn every damn tree to the ground!"

Basically, we want to attempt move into Silverpine and claim the land in the name of the Forsaken, slowly take over the farms, killing off the mobs in character and removing Scarlet/Scourge presence in the area.

Gear: I don't plan to create a uniform of sorts but Rosie will attempt to help members acquire armor and weapons (In character, of course) to benefit the guild as a whole.

Current status: Rosie and Jithe are trying to breathe life into this guild of the Undead and are finding it difficult to attract members to the cause. They are also brainstorming ideas to raise funds for the guild and to help equip their nonexistant personal army.
Member list: Rosie, Jithe, Lendri

PM me (Maxwell) or PiesOfNub for an invite.

Suggestions and ideas would be helpful, I've been toying around with this idea for awhile and have decided to act on it.
Updated OP.