Conquest of the Horde

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Vainar got a 27 with de-sue! Damn that magicky business and the heartbreaking destruction of Silvermoon coupled with the loss of his entire noble family! You just can't fix some things. >.>
Points: 5
De-Suifiers: 4

Seems Komura (A Tauren) is in the good, though I haven't exactly made a back story for him yet, all the options making him mary-sueish seemed to not fit him at all.

Quote:0-16 Points
Most likely Not-Sue. Characters at this level could probably take a little spicing up without hurting them any.
This test isn't appropriate - non-human ranks you as a potential marysue; having anormal healing powers too; being abused and seeing unbelievable events too. Well in WoW there are ten normal races, of which one is human. Paladins and Priests, who make a very small fraction of the population, are anormal healing users. Being abused and witnessing the Third War is perfectly normal for any human character leaving in Stromgarde, Lordaeron, Dalaran (less), Stormwind (less) etc, unless your character is 8 or less. That test is much more dedicated towards human-only settings and forum RPs than immersive fantasy settings where you'll have loads of different cultures, races, etc.

But the main line that made me laugh is describing one's character with metaphores and poetic sentences. Basically if you want to be a good roleplayer, a simple "Arylon looks good" is better than a "Arylon grins, a sparkle in her emerald-grin eyes."

Nonetheless, Arylon ranks 23 and Rydia 16. Using the WoW special test (the one that doesn't blame you for developping RP and having healing powers) this lowers to 8 and 7.
Balth3465 Wrote:This test isn't appropriate - non-human ranks you as a potential marysue; having anormal healing powers too; being abused and seeing unbelievable events too. Well in WoW there are ten normal races, of which one is human. Paladins and Priests, who make a very small fraction of the population, are anormal healing users. Being abused and witnessing the Third War is perfectly normal for any human character leaving in Stromgarde, Lordaeron, Dalaran (less), Stormwind (less) etc, unless your character is 8 or less. That test is much more dedicated towards human-only settings and forum RPs than immersive fantasy settings where you'll have loads of different cultures, races, etc.

But the main line that made me laugh is describing one's character with metaphores and poetic sentences. Basically if you want to be a good roleplayer, a simple "Arylon looks good" is better than a "Arylon grins, a sparkle in her emerald-grin eyes."

Nonetheless, Arylon ranks 23 and Rydia 16. Because without any potential marysue traits, characters tend to get stereotypically boring. (I've been in RP settings where you have, at most, five roles for thousands of players. It's quickly getting boring.)

Trying the WoW-specialized test. ^^

Not necessarily true, my Tauren got out very well with 4 points. And it does state that you can skip everything that -is- common in WoW. Thus other races, healing powers, perhaps even seeing unbelievable events. I did it, and my Tauren ended up at 4. (Though, I've only played him for a day)

Quote:Answer all questions for which the answer is 'yes' or 'technically yes' unless the item mentioned is commonplace in the universe you are writing for. If most people in your story's world have wings, skip the question about flying. If it's established that anyone can have technicolor hair (as in many Japanese cartoons) pink coifs don't apply as "unusually" colored hair. If your character had an exotic name because you make up most of your characters' names, you would not answer yes to having an unusual-sounding name that you made up. Sue-ness is relative. ;)

I think you focussed too much on any generic RP game perhaps? WoW always stood out and probably always will. ^^ To me, getting abused definitely is somewhat mary-sueish, just because people tend to add it to make them more cool. No drawbacks from it, no penalties, nothing.

Not sure if that's the case on here yet, but I've seen it on Retail and that made me face-palm.
I suppose getting abused can lead to serious trauma, which doesn't look "cool" but adds indeed to the storyline. The penalties from a rape or abuse or unfair beating or anything that kind can go beyond the event itself, including being cowardly dazzled, blamed, shunned, having to cope with guilt and despair..Nothing "cool" in that (well, being in despair looks cool to 14 years old retail attention whores, but we only have top-notch RPers here ^^), and nothing you'll brag about, but it indeed can help developing your character. Being extremely shy and weak is a thing. Being shy and weak with a good reason is another.
Balth3465 Wrote:But the main line that made me laugh is describing one's character with metaphores and poetic sentences. Basically if you want to be a good roleplayer, a simple "Arylon looks good" is better than a "Arylon grins, a sparkle in her emerald-grin eyes."
There's a large difference between just being descriptive and engaging in purple prose. The latter is overwhelmingly linked to Mary Sues.
That's called different writing styles. You won't embellish taking a crap, but I believe once in a while this heightens the ambiance you wish to create.

Besides..can MS players truly have such writing skills?
Mordus got a 15 with de-sue, but got a 24 without it.

But the de-sue's are true when relating to Mordus. I don't think he should get away with anything that he does, and he is truly insane.

And I don't kid myself into thinking anyone ICly actually likes him, unless they are insane or evil themselves.
Okay, I ran Sheck and Harks through both of the tests. Sheck got a grand total of one point (because his first wife was a gyrocopter pilot who was shot down in the Second War), but with de-Suifiers, it came down to -16. I suppose being ugly, overweight, out of shape, shallow, late-middle-aged and cowardly makes him a sort of anti-special snowflake. In the WoW-specific one, Sheck got a -4.

Harkin, on the other hand, got a 7. With de-suifiers, it brought him down to -2. In the WoW-specific test, he also got a -4.

I think I'm starting to see a pattern in my characters here. Maybe it's time I made one who's actually, y'know, nice. :P
I got 86........ I'm gonna go do the WoW one IMMEDIATELY! >.<

The WoW one gave me.... 8....

Guess Blood Elf mages are Mary Sues in normal world ^^
Calleda got a 10 on the WoW version of the Sue test. That's alright, I suppose. I want it to be super low. SUPER LOW! GAH!
Aroes got a six on the wow version...I disagree that speaking more than one language is mary-sueish..
Its when combined with other things. And one language isnt mary sueish at all. Maybe two or three, but when you add that to all the other stuff such as being a very attractive, all powerful, studying magic user who also had the time to travel the world and study languages, and also has epic long forgotton armour and a pet cougar who can talk, then it starts to trail to suedom.
Hehe, very true.

Lene: 4 before Sue subtractors, -7 with.

Taiga: 10 before Sue subtractors, 5 with.

Sanya: 9 before Sue subtractors, -1 with.

Kenarith: 5 before Sue subtractors, 4 with.

It missed most of Lene's strengths, while most of her weaknesses were covered. She has weaknesses like most people, but then, she has some incredible (although hidden) strengths.
Taiga... well.. she's an OP sort. Good thing she's psychologically flawed.
Sanya's got awesome killskills, but physical attractiveness apparently counts for a -lot- in that test.
Kenarith - the test didn't pick up on her own special brand of OP. So she's safe... for now.

All characters have psychological flaws as any person might (except for Sanya. Her brain doesn't operate like theirs.)
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