Conquest of the Horde

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Blood Harvest

"Go out, into Elwynn. Take these vials, fill them to the rim. We have much work to do," were Gladstone's words. Then a group departed from Raven Hill, heading north towards Goldshire. They lured citizens away towards the river bank and shady spots away from the eyes of the public. And when they returned to Gladstone those vials all contained one thing, blood. Blood taken from every and any race they could find.

"Good. Now, it is time for the first departure. Undoubtedly there will be chasers soon. They will storm Raven Hill and possibly a number of other places in Duskwood... After all, I did hear report of a few enemies in Elwynn as well. We will return to the Hill soon enough." After this the group departed, advised to head to Deadwind Pass. They were lead into the Catacombs where work began.

"We will need more blood," Gladstone said as he and Sagi sat, chatting. "What you asked will be something complex to create... And it will take time. I need more help"

Sagi nodded back, adjusting his new hat slightly before speaking, "Well, we will find you more blood. And you will finish as planned. As for more people, don't worry about it. More members will come, it will not be difficult. Dedicate your time to completing the project." Gladstone nodded and Sagi spoke again, "Also, you'll need to find a small team. We require a certain someone's blood, someone very special."

Gladstone rose a brow for a moment and then Sagi removed a small pouch from his side. He handed it over to the human, motioning to him, "Take a look inside." Gladstone opened the pouch, only nodding slightly before giving the pouch back to Sagi.

"We will need persons willing to work with that Ringmaster..."

Sagi shrugged, "Haim has already agreed. We spoke the other night before I went to retrieve this particular piece. He has accepted the duty of taking care of research into it's inner workings. We've got quite a lot of Blood to collect Gladdy."

Gladstone frowned at the familiar pet name but could only nod. "I will work on getting all the pieces together." Gladstone stood and walked off.

Exactly, getting all the pieces together. This will be the first test of faith. A test carried by plague. One plague made by the collective blood of men. This one will attack the body, weaken the resolve, cripple the senses.

Along with it, will come a plague made by divine blood. This one will defeat the will, destroy the mind, and bring about the end. Through the last messages we will crush them, the two virtues yet to be revealed we will watch the faith of the Light be tested and the faiths of all who do not believe in the shadow.

Power and Death shall put an end to this.


Sozun watched as another forsaken slid saronite armor over his body, the heavy plates making clicks against his bones and a thudding sound against his flesh. Afterwards the forsaken walked over to his bat, his touch making it come down from the metal bar it was hanging on and wait on the ground, ready to fly.

"When you've completed the task return to Undercity and send word to me. If you need help make sure to let me know as soon as things get even the slightest bit out of your hands. I don't need to send a nuisance, rather a problem fixer."

The man gave a grunt, hoping on top of his bat. His lower jaw, opened with a squeak from the metal hinges rubbing against each other, "I'll take care of things nice an tidy...But if those breathers start pissing me off I swear I'll rip out their entrails and feed em to Sally here." At the mention of her name the bat gave a loud screech and the forsaken patted it on it's head.

Sozun nodded, "You may do what you must." Then he paused, looking the forsaken over again, "Where is your runeblade?"

To this the man grinned, his upper lip curling up but his metal lower lip and jaw remaining in the same place, the effect a strange smile that didn't translate just right, "I'll find a new one on the way. Lets go Sally!" With that his bat jumped into the air, flapping its wings and moving through the skies.

Sozun watched until he could no longer spot them, then walked off, back to Undercity. As he strolled by the sewage, his staff clicking against the ground, he thought to himself, a smirk on his face.

Sagi told me those enemies of his started to wonder about a mastermind behind him, about the Cult's Forsaken origins. Well now they will see how a mastermind thinks.

He shook his head, muttering, "Bah. Foolish humans. To think they would even imagine a world existed where they could outsmart me, where they could get to the source of their enemies. Its as unthinkable as the Church ever defeating Shadow, as any of these silly faiths and gods and such being greater than our own. They aren't even on the same level as I and this game that we have playing has had a pre-destined winner.... Ever since the day came when they forsook us."
Kaldorei Pride

His hand reached for the Kaldorei's head, his shadowy form sending darkness into her being. One blast. Two blasts. Three. She screamed out before the pain became too much, before the suffering became too much. The world faded around her as the tenseness of her muscles evaporated, fear dispersed, and knowledge of what she once was disappeared. When Alariel, that poor Kaldorei druidess, awakened, it was him who she now had to serve and whether from fear or loyalty, she would do it well.

Hours later, Sagi sat idly under a tree, Izshandriel and Alariel watching the barren plains for signs of any who would disturb him while he rested.

Therai, Izzy, and now Alariel. Another of my people to join me, and to help in my own goals. How strange it is that I should find Kaldorei to join me on my quest... Those who act like Nardor or Slyvandre would never do such a thing. Not that I could imagine anyways. They see me as a traitor to our people.

Sagi removed his hat, giving his hair a chance to breath. He ran a hand through it, separating it with his fingers as he stared up to the sky, watching as a few birds flew by.

But, I am no traitor. I simply found a different way, learned a different truth. I walk a path that is unlike my brothers and sisters, I've been chosen to lead a life that will be difficult, full of peril, but truth and power lay at the end. The Church of Light is false, it must be destroyed. In the Shadow there are powers ripe for the taking, powers that all men must one day find out about. If only my brothers and sisters could see it the way I do.

He looked over to his two Night Elf guards, eyeing them for a moment as they kept a vigilant watch, Izzy standing still as a stone and simply looking out into the world while Alariel observed in an almost inquisitive way, head moving this way and that.

I don't know why but something about having Kaldorei around relaxes me. They bring me a comfort I cannot understand. Even when chatting with Slyvandre... Even though I know she's determined for me to meet my death.. I know I can never help but think that I'd adore to have her on my side. Not only is she one of my people... She like the other Kaldorei share something with me none of the others can.

Sagi let out a sigh, muttering to himself, "Where... where do these thoughts come from? And this feeling? Never before have I cared... For so long, my goal has been singular and my life has remained that of one who has no time to think about who will join him. These people are just to be used for defeating the Church. They have no value." He looked back up at the two, voice still low, "So then why do I seem feel something? Do I care for their lives? Why do they bring me comfort? What is it...what is this?


The thought occurred to him and his face became grim, frown replacing the usual smile, glare the usual happy gaze.

I cannot feel such a thing... can I? And yet, I do.

He shook his head, putting his hat back atop his head and staring back up into the sky.

The Kaldorei. They are my people. If only they could see truth the way I do. Maybe I should bring it to them? After all... I'm not ready to become the pet of some Forsaken just for the Forgotten Shadow.. Maybe it's my own people that I should raise up in the end, use the power of shadow to make great.

Sagi's frown deepened a bit as he continued to talk to himself, "My former personality still has some sway over my thoughts..." He rubbed his temples, "All this pride nonsense must mean I don't have as complete a control as I thought. He's still trying to effect our judgement, though I don't think he realizes it...yet."

Still, I can't help but think maybe there is some truth to it. In fact, that would give me more than enough reason to wipe out the humans...And maybe every other people along with them eventually. Make the world it should be.

"Or perhaps I should stop entertaining these thoughts..."


As this occurred in his mind, Sagi nodded to himself.

She still would make a better ally than an enemy. Perhaps I won't completely stop thinking this over. It would at least be interesting to try and see if I could make more Kaldorei join me. Namely her. It would be worth a shot and if things don't work for the best... I can just kill her instead.

My own people, joining me. Yes, the idea has a merit to it that I just cannot seem to ignore. Even better is the idea of my own people joining the shadow, forgetting about those old ideas... Perhaps Sagi's old 'Shadow of Elune' beliefs will come in handy for a nice conversion point. Let them start to wonder before I spring the true trap on them...

Still, I should lessen my attention to this for now. I've still got saronite to gather, not to mention blood for Gladdy and a Church to destroy.
Blood Harvest: Part Two

Shivala's bowstring tightened as her fingers pulled it back. Then, swift release brought an arrow flying into the chest of a Tauren. Hacking slashes and many more arrows later brought three tauren down to the ground. From their wounds Sagi filled vials with blood.

"Blood of the Grimtotem Tauren. No one from the Horde will miss a few of these dead," he muttered.

Gortael, Zoljock, and Volshi moved through the forest of Duskwood, hunting vicious worgen. Beneath their combined shadow casting a few Worgen fell down to death. From each they gathered blood, pouring it into vials to take back with them to the Catacombs. The worgen bodies were left to rot.

In the Barrens Saraya, Gortael, Terintha, and Richtnel went off, Centaur hunting. They found a few close to the Oasis, engaging them in battle. The two warlocks summoned demonic beasts to attack while Terintha shadow casted shadow from afar while Saraya stealthily took out enemies. When done they took blood from some of the centaur, filling vials to the top. Then they depared back to Ratchet, Gortael holding the vials out to Sagi.

"Blood of centaur, as requested Ringmaster."

Sagi, Izshandriel, and Alariel set out to Bramblescar, targetting quilboar. They cut through the pigs, slaughtering until a few corpses lay on the ground. Then Sagi and Izshandriel kept up the attack while Alariel filled vials up with blood. When she was done the three departed.

"Alariel, give me the vials. I'll get these to Gladdy quickly."

Sagi wandered through the Catacombs, finally finding Gladstone hard at work. He handed the human the recently obtained quilboar blood before speaking, "Haim and the others are starting to become curious. Tell me, how has research gone?"

Gladstone turned away from the bench he stood on, motioning to a human slave. The man looked pale as death, eyes as if he hadn't gotten sleep for weeks, blood pouring from his nose. Shivers continued to run through his body as Gladstone spoke, "Less than a week, and he's frail. I could barely get him to stand this afternoon."

"So then, it works... And have you taken measures incase we have to deal with the disease ourselves?"

Gladstone gave Sagi a nod, motioning to a small centerfuge filled with a yellow liquid, "It still needs a bit more testing but this should provide a perfect cure." He motioned back to the sickly human, "Now, would you like to know specifics?"

Sagi eyed the test subject with a bit of disgust before nodding, "Speak on."

"The disease pollutes the blood, slowly contaminating the entire body though it. It then moves on to cripple you, obviously a lot quicker than I thought it would. Death doesn't seem to be an immediate effect nor would I expect it to be but remaining in this state long enough could ideally kill you... Or render you useless anyways. The cure essentially cleanses the system of this impurity. I've no doubt that a druid of appropriate strength or another capable of purifying techniques could also purge this from their system."

"And how does it spread?"

"That was the one problem I encountered Ringmaster. It can only be active once in the bloodstream of another. It won't spread through any form of contact unless polluted blood comes in contact with polluted blood. But we can still use it as an effective weapon. Let the enemy fight with magic and might. Let them know however that your organization develops, it grows. We will come back at them with disease and sickness, much more effective weapons for war."

Sagi tipped his hat to Gladstone before departing, mubbling to himself as he walked through the Catacombs.

"And so the first plague was readied to be unleashed upon men..."
A bright orange sunset... the sky was on fire, lighting up leafless trees. I blink, attempting to clear my vision. So blurry, so warm... I can't see a thing- Something, someone stands over me. I make out fingers in the bright light, curling around it.

"You're awake, then, Captain?... Any more of this, and I risk damaging you... Your obsession for this hunt will eventually be your undoing." came the familiar voice of a Priestess of the Moon. The bright light faded from Sylvandre's sight, and she realised she had been looking up at the shining palm of Cela Shadowstar, lieing down in a bed in the Darkshire inn.

"I... I am. Thanks for it... Though, I disagree, as always, with the notion that bringing justice is folly." came the Sentinel's reply. She stood off the bed and moved for her armor, donning it once more, piece by piece. I find it funny how people believe I never take it off... I like to indulge them on the thought. It gives them the feeling that I am always with my guard up. Yet, if Cela were someone else... The thought waned from her head, and in came rushing her current pourpose.

I have come to Duskwood's Darkshire, following the many hints of my ally, Annabelle. I know much of what has transpired, yet my friend tells me I should scout Duskwood, Deadwind and the Barrens... I do not fool myself, I cannot scout the Pass with but four people, even if they were all here. I will not give the Circus-No, Sagi himself, the satisfaction of my undoing, or worse... corruption.

"You need allies, Sylvandre... Allies which you can always find where it all began. Where your thirst for justice was first called to light." the Priestess said.

Sylvandre turned her head to her, her lips bearing a smile quickly covered by the metallic faceplate which snapped snugly around her head. "Then, I go back... to the beginning." she slung her weaponry to her back and pushed the door open, going downstairs.

"I like to think things come and go in circles: No beginning and no end, there exists only the moment of 'now', and the state we are in at this time..." murmured the Priestess to the Sentinel's passing. The silver-haired warrior was not there anymore, yet still the woman spoke.

Sylvandre sat on one of the chairs, as Avints entered. She looked up to him and said in an urgent voice "Avints. We go to Elwynn."


Time passed, and the Sentinel and her Pride reached Elwynn's Lion's Pride inn. The very place where the small group of friends turned vigilante band.

I came back... Back to where it all began. And I met Don on the steps of the Inn. I spoke with him. Much has changed. The enemy has done the exact damage that I had thought, but something disturbs me... More and more of my own people flock to Sagi's side. I do not understand why. I do not like this... Too many of my kin to slay. Is this pity I feel? Mercy? Pride?... I quickly quell the sickening feeling, turning it into disgust for those who would abandon our ways in favor of some shadow weaver.

I am told of many things, the Circus' definite location, in the crypts beneath the Pass and Duskwood, as well as their attempt to concoct a blood-based sickness. My mind springs to Felwood... Felwood which we have attempted to cleanse since before Hyjal. The Cenarion Circle has been somehow cleansing parts of it. I could use a Druid. If anything, they would know how to help with their injections of Fel-taint into the human brought back by the turncoat.

I meet Aliana of the Circle. I ask her to join us. She does. I give her the Hand of Elune, a weapon forged by myself and blessed by the Priestess Shadowstar in return. She had always wanted it. I had never used it...

The Turncoat wakes. I speak with her. Through a subtle game of tongues and words, I attempt to test her. The best way to lie is to tell the truth. I hark back to the Priestess' words. I ask her to join us. She does. She pledges herself to the Kaldorei, and to justice for all.

She speaks of Netherstorm. Mere days ago, I had met with Serenwylde Seartalon, ancient huntress of the Kaldorei, who recommended that, for Outland troubles, I should mail a Fala'thorei, one of the last Demon Hunters, and Nardor, whom I had met before and who was apparently with the Hunter. I do so, and warn them of a 'Rich''s gathering of Mana in the Netherstorm.

Thus, everything is revealed. I am told of gathering blood from beasts in the Barrens. Mana from Netherstorm. Duskwood seems the perfect place to breed evil. I must consider well my next move...

...Or perhaps I should wait for Sagi's. I am sure he'll attempt to infect the human in his posession with his disease. Then I can have Aliana work on curing it.

We know so much, we have men in their midst, yet... Why can we not strike the killing blow? No, the thought is a foolish one. The patient hunter gets the prey. To spring the trap too early can be deadly, folly even for the greatest of warriors. Instead, the Priestess' words ring in my ears as though she whispered them into my very mind.

"Keep your friends close... and your enemies closer still."

Four massive paws continually pounded into the ground, the sound of a massive beast breathing its last breaths heard to the elf on his back. The shard of jagged ice that had torn through his white fur and flesh leaving blood slowly dripping to the ground. The saber was weakening quickly, life fading fast. The more the ice melted, the more blood could escape from his mount. It would not be long until it would collapse, if not from blood loss from exhaustion. The elf riding atop him had his hands within his pocket, clutching the remains of a note, now stained with blood and with holes in a few places.


I've taken Rheina and left. I found her in Elwynn, beaten and tortured half to death. She could barely speak but she let me know, told me that it was Cha who did this to her again. Again, after you promised that you had dealt with it, that it was over. This is exactly what I warned you about. Fel can only destroy your goals. You cannot control those men.

I still think that you are after the right thing but I refuse to help you unless the warlocks, the demons, and all the relations you have with fel are cut away. I'll be waiting until that time comes to return.


The saber started to slow, his rushed running quickly becoming a steady walk, then an unsteady limp. Sagi jumped down, using his staff to steady himself, walking beside his saber through Deadwind, hearing the creature take tired breaths of air. It was obvious. Vultures started to lurk. Undoubtedly they were waiting for two deaths to feast upon.

Eventually the saber collapsed. Weak and wounded as he was Sagi could not dig a grave, could not bury him in the ground. Instead he waited until the breathing could no longer be heard and the heart's pounding had finally ceased. He took the earth he could find and threw it over the saber, then a slab of dried wood to serve as the grave marker. A poorly constructed mound was present when Sagi was finished, not even covering the saber's body. The wound remained unclean, the mouth still wide open. It was a sad grave but in Sagi's weakened state it took all his effort to create it.

"I suppose the fight with Alexas...took its toll more on you than me," were the only words he managed to say. Afterwards he walked the rest of the way to the Catacombs, anger in him rising with every step.

Because of Alexas...he is dead..

And because of Cha...that idiot. Why would he... No, how dare he disobey my commands. I should have his head. Because of him Shivala is gone... Because of him Rheina is no longer with us, she who had promise to be a Shadow Priest as well.. And now.

And now you rage.

He paused, looking at the ground with an angry glare, "And now, I rage along with him. I have a job... And yet, his mind and emotions so easily distract me. I feel sadness and hatred over things I do not care about, insignificant lives that are not worth blood.."

"And yet.. I still went along with it. I could not help be directed, help to attack Alexas, nor can I help now the desire to kill Cha. Can his emotion really override my sense without even the slightest struggle?

"They will all pay... They must pay.

I must not allow myself to be so easily overcome... We have greater things to accomplish, not time to bother worrying about some silly cat and a two who have left us

Raven Hill...

He had waited, day in and day out. There were no signs of the Circus on Raven Hill but rumor had come that their location was not far. He kicked a broken chair to the ground, infuriated, metal jaw sliding open to speak, "Waiting and waiting and for what? Little Sagi is already not following the plan."

Walking outside of the abandoned tavern he had stayed in, the forsaken moved towards a tree where his bat was hanging. "Come on Sally, seems that the whelps decided to move the party elsewhere and not inform anyone of anything."

The bat let out a screech before getting down on the ground. The forsaken picked up a runeblade leaning against the tree's trunk, next to the body of a dead human male. He strapped it to his back before kicking into the bat's side, "Lets get going." The bat leaped into the air, flapping its wings and moving eastward, the undead glaring at the sky.

"He's probably screwing it all up. That leaves an even bigger mess for me to clean up. Not to mention now I've got to make a report... Perhaps Croz will end up down here and I don't like to feel like I couldn't clean up the mess myself. "

Boney digits clenched into a fist, "Oh, he better have the rest of it done. If not I have the mind to take over things myself. Can't rely on anyone to get it done better than yourself and all that."
A single person will wander though the mysteries of life, always with many choices and decisions. Often times they will be unable to come to an answer, to make one choice. The mind is easily crowded with 'what ifs' and fantasies on 'how' things could be. The person will argue within, struggling to come to the right decision, be it the most beneficial, morally good, or likable.

To have two persons of different traits, seeking different goals, and even of different morals try to decide everything together would be greeted with failure. It is hard enough for the mind to act alone and be decisive, even harder for two dissimilar minds to act as one.

The reason why two minds, two personalities trying to operate within the same being is so unnatural is because it does just that, it forces the two to act as one. Such a person is a perversion of what men are supposed to be, a freak bearing a nature that is completely abnormal, an entirely foreign plane for one who has a single mind.

Regardless, whether the natural or the unnatural, the time comes where one is hard pressed to find the answer they need, decide on the goal they must pursue, figure out where to go from the point they are at. We call this moment

The Split

Mental stress.

Whether from pressure...

"You must... strike out at... Autumn," came Therai's voice. "We cannot remain... hiding...forever."

"Sagi, the times have changed... We are no longer a group of circus performers, that act is old," said Haim. "Why must we continue be known as a Circus when we are obviously much more?"

from disobedience...

"Cha, I commanded you not to harm the girl again. How dare you go against my own orders?"

"I assure you, whatever you've heard is a lie," came Mordus' reply.

"Oh really Cha? Would you allow me to look into your mind and forcibly rip the truth out?"

from pain...

Sagi cried out in agony as arcane shots sent by Alexas flew into his back, cutting through the shadowy form he was in. He bent over, exhaling deeply as some of the blue missiles lodged inside his back instead, fading away only after the damage had been done.

or from death

Laying on the ground was his white saber, now with blood staining his fur, a large wound marring his flesh. The saber took its last breaths before passing away silently into the abyss known as death. Sagi could only look as life faded away from his body, unable to comprehend the loss.

It is this stress being put on my mind that causes his old feelings to return, his old memories to emerge. His rage guides my actions, those who bring him pain feel my wrath, and among the things that pleasure him I rest easy. Never before, when I hid in the background, was his mind so strong, never did it have such control.

But then again, when can I remember a time where he felt fury? When he did not have to kill but desired to? His thoughts, his will, they all distract me from my purpose. I would think it impossible but I never encountered the moments like this, when the idea is in complete plausibility. The shadow feeds off our jealous energies, the shadow priest's will to inflict pain upon others. Sagi now has that will, so his mind and faith are fortifying themselves.

But his cannot be a power that exceeds my own. My will must take dominance. We set out with a goal, a goal to take down the Church of Light, to eliminate them at any cost. Now he sends distractions, places barriers in my way. As if he can determine my path, my destiny.

Sagi sat a table in Gadgetzan across from Izshandriel. His hat rested on the table with his hand folded over it, glaring into the wood. That was how he had been since they set out on the journey. Angry, his voice barking out at any who would disturb him, even Izzy at times.

His mind was in constant conflict and the only idea he had was to return to the place where it had all started. Perhaps there, he could lay to rest his troubled mind, perhaps there control would finally be his, purpose would come to him. All he needed was direction and dominance and what better place to find those things then Un'Goro. After all, it was the same place that the shift in Sagi's mental state first appeared, where his personality first split in two.

I must seek revenge.. must destroy those who dared to strike out at me. I have the power, I can do it.

"No, I have the power.. And we must do as I instruct. The spread of shadow is our only true goal, our one purpose," Sagi muttered to himself, glaring hard at the dish of food in front of him. "You think you can just barge in now and try to take what I've worked for? Never."

I need more power... I need to find more power so that no one can ever hurt me again. So I do not die, so I never cry, so I live on.

Izshandriel started to stare at Sagi for a moment, he noticing her gaze, instead just closing his eyes. His muttering ceased but the argument continued.

I control this mind, not you, understand? It was always my fate and you will not destroy my fate.

I must be hearing voices. Who is this speaking... Who could be within my mind?

Sagi's eyes widened in disbelief. He started to rub his temples, let out a sigh before muttering again, "He can hear me now...Of all the things to happen, he has now decided to awaken to my presence. I must act swiftly."

There...there is another here. I can feel you somehow. Who are you? How have you entered this place?

Sagi shook his head, standing up and motioning to Izshandriel, "Come on. I've already got a few mounts rented. We are heading to Un'Goro now." The other elf stood and the two walked outside together. Sagi was in a hurry, rushing as quickly as he could, pushing as hard as he could.

It has all fallen apart now. There is only one choice that can be made. I must seal him away for good, or risk the consequences of never-ending battle within my own body.

This body is not yours for the taking. It is mine. You will leave or deal with me, understand?

Sagi, don't you see? I suppose this was fated to be. The final separation has happened. Now we truly are two men sharing the same body.. But which one of us will come out on top? You may wonder but I know. That man will be me.

Do not flatter yourself. This was my body before and it will remain to be mine. I don't know who or what you are but you'll not have what was given to be since my birth, my own life.

Have your life? I deserve your life, I gave you life when you couldn't deal with life any longer! I took away the pain, I allowed you to live through suffering before. Now it is my turn to live within the world you could not handle. Without me, you were weak, do not attempt to fight against your better half.

The argument continued Sagi's face contorted with the strain and suffering he was feeling inside. It was mental anguish within as two forces prepared themselves for battle.

And so the boy, once weak, once afraid now adorned armor never worn and picked up a blade, rusted from ages without use. He stared at his opponent with determined eyes and power that he never felt, finally realizing the truth. He was staring down his nemesis, not his savior. Before him was a man of darkness, despite his looks. While he? Maybe he was a man of darkness too, it was obvious to the eye that cruelty had to exist. Yet maybe his greed was better than the greed of his foe.

And so the man of Light looked upon the one he once shielded. He knew of course that for this boy he held no emotion. The Light, the beauty, it was all a facade, all created to fool the foolish. But the boy was no longer foolish. The man of Light adorned his shining helm and withdrew his pointed spear. A smirk appeared on his face. He would have never wished an easier target. Not only had the boy never fought, not only was his blade old but the spear the man held was sharp and sturdy. The man of Light would strike first, he thought, he would hurl the spear into the boy's throat and watch him die.
The Rebirth

The warriors faced each other. The playing field was set, mountains raised high around the arena, allowing no escape. There would be no going back, no sudden change of mind or heart. This was it, the finale. The game was a brutal duel, the only rule that rebirth would only start when bloodshed brought the end.

He ran up swiftly, fighting with all the rage he had gathered over time, released into his blade, his fury concentrated on a single entity. Like a wild man, a savage, he unleashed attack after slashing attack, each one aimed to cause death at first strike.

He did not give in to simply power, no he was swift and clever. Jumping away and swerving between blow and blow, not seeking battle right away. No instead patience was his way, always allowing a foe to tire, always drawing out all their might. And then, when the first sight of a killing blow would be seen, deadly spear would fly towards its mark.

And so he bled..

And so it started.

And so it ended.

And all merged into one.

Sagi watched Sylvandre leave as he and Izshandriel stood in Gadgetzan. He motioned to Izshandriel, "Come on. We too need to be on our way. Ratchet.. Then the Bay, then back up to the Catacombs. I don't want it to take any more time the necessary." She nodded and as they walked, Sagi became consumed with his thoughts.

A demon hunter.. And now my picture with the Alliance? Either she's bluffing or I'm going to have a lot of trouble to deal with. Still, I think I struck a chord. The hunter may not bother with me, not so long as I do not wield fel myself. Though, that won't get Sylvandre and the others off my back.

He frowned to himself as the pair headed for the mounts they had rented. He jumped on the saddle, rubbing his chin.

Especially now that I've made my promise to have Alexas killed. Though, I doubt it matters. Either way they will chase after me, and I still hold something over them. They still do not know about Sozun. They don't just want me of course, they will want him because he is the grand engineer of this whole mess. Perhaps there will be a way to forestall their blades so long as I can hold this fact over them.

They started to ride, northbound, sand kicking up into the sky. Sagi moved his hat down and brought his head closer to the horse's neck, trying to shield his eyes from the small grains scattering all around.

Of course, there is something else. For what I've had to deal with while Sozun sat idly.. For being drafted as a tool into his design. I'm not exactly sure I want to just let him rest, knowing his plan has failed but none will lift a finger against him. Perhaps... I will have to take him on. Maybe I'll deal with him before I handle Alexas.

"Well well well, aren't I going to be a busy man..." He smirked to himself, looking up ahead, "I suppose for now I should just relax. Let fate take its course and wait until it guides me to my destiny."


Together, Aemondall and Sagi walked through the Barrens. As they spoke, the human spotted Annabelle atop a steep hill. Pointing her out to Sagi, the Kaldorei could not help but smile. It had all been too perfect.

"Shall I have my minion crush her?"

Sagi shook his head, "No. I will deal with her myself."

As they neared Annabelle watched the two, suddenly freezing as she stared them down. All she recieved back was Sagi's confident smile.

Now of course is not the time... Our meeting here is undoubtedly fated to end in battle. But there will be no death, not mine nor hers.

Between the two a duel began, Light pitting itself against Shadow. Continually Sagi tried to best Annabelle, only to see her cancel his attacks, block his spells, always. Annabelle constantly tried to push Sagi back, only to find him firm in assult, continuing the raid, never holding back his next blast.

The two never touched, never connected, never making contact with each other. It was a battle between their spells yes but also a battle between their wills, their faiths, the very much non-physical aspects that they both had. As if words were truly the things in conflict, but without speech. Dark fire would cross holy flame, fear would cross conviction, corruption against purity.

Eventually the two ceased action, only a few words shared before Sagi departed with both Annabelle and Aemondall.

Annabelle's faith in her beliefs is much greater than I would have ever expected. She proves to be an interesting human, no doubt just as devoted as many others to the Light...

Still, I wonder how long she can actually believe in it. Gods, deities, all the like. Yes, they may exist but they are no greater than the mortals who give them power through belief. Any man can influence the universe through his will, his personal power. Perhaps, one day, they will see this.


"Your finally here."

"You were expecting me?"

"It was only a matter of time I realized before you finally came... No minion will stay a minion once they think they can overcome their master's leash."

The two stood just a few feet apart, Sozun and Sagi, both bound to each other, by belief and power. Once, the one difference they saw was between the master and the tool. But now, both stood as their own masters, and as much as it disappointed Sozun he could see, the elf would no longer yield to him.

Clash. Their staffs locked with each other, both men trying to force the other back to no avail. Eyes met and then the both knew right away. Physical force would not win this battle, no, it would be a struggle of the mind.

And so Sozun attacked first, mental blast coming forward like a sharp sword, poised for the kill. But Sagi was quick, metal shaft of his spear coming up clashing with the blade, pitting his psychic force against that of Sozun's. And then Sozun attacked again, causing clash after clash.

Growling, Sozun unleashed an onslaught of blows against Sagi, unrelenting the sharp point of his mental strikes trying to pierce the night elf's mind. Sozun thought he was fighting a wall, one that under stress would finally crack, fall to pieces under his attacks.

However, Sagi's mind was like water, simply flowing around each blow, even the ones hitting doing nothing. If a strike was made the form would just return after the next attack was prepared. When Sozun's mind relaxed, when he needed a moment before the next strike, Sagi released his spear, mental blast bursting through and hitting its mark.

Sagi pushed Sozun backwards with his staff, making the forsaken hit the ground. The kaldorei poised his staff for a blow to the head, looking down at his former master, "Any last words?"

Sozun's lips curled into a frown, "You have not come to kill me. You know it would not be this easy... It would take more out of both of us. What is it you really want?"

Sagi gave him a one-sided smirk, "I want what you own. The advanced fear spell... I want Nightmare. Give me that and I will leave." Sozun opened his mouth to talk but Sagi cut him off, "They will come after you if I tell them your name... And there are many. Can a single forsaken stand against the might of so many? Lets keep civil and conduct a final piece of business."

When Sagi left the spiked staff on his back looked darker than ever. The metal had a new gleam to it, the wicked spikes more terrifying than before. It was truly a cruel weapon now, one wielding the stuff of Nightmare. He walked alone in the Barrens, heading back to Ratchet, looking into the night.

"Now... Where was I last? Oh yes, there are still two Acts to be completed. Lets make sure they happen."

Gladstone walked up to Sagi's desk within the Catacombs. He gave a nod before speaking, "You wanted to see me Ringmaster?"

Sagi looked up from a book he was writing in, closing it and returning the nod, "Yes I did. Its time we got to work once again."

"Work sir?"

"Yes... You know, when I was returning from business in Kalmidor.. I happened to run into someone. Sylvandre. She spoke much about how she expected we'd soon fall. Obviously Anna and the rest are busy off gathering numbers. They've even added a Demon Hunter to the ranks of those trying to destroy us."

Gladstone frowned muttering a few swears before speaking, "Should I work on a gathering of our own Ringmaster?"

Sagi shook his head, "No."


"Gladstone, what are numbers when you have cunning? Power? Destiny? Remember when this started? Autumn always had superior force in numbers. In the beginning there were maybe ten of us at most. But we never fell. Ours is the greater destiny, we wield the greater power... And we definitely have minds more cunning then those who think that numbers are all that matter in battle."

"So then Ringmaster what is it y-," Gladstone began but Sagi interrupted him right away.

"I want you do do what you were meant to," Sagi said. "Gather the power of corruption. Then administer justice. This is what you did when you started the Dark Duels in the Desolace. But those were purely a sham, a mockery of the truth. The real Dark Duel is just beginning, a large scale battle between two forces."

Gladstone remained silent and Sagi looked at the man for a second, "Allow me to explain my friend... You see, there is a belief, a belief that Light is a greater force than Shadow. This belief is false. People who worship the Light gain power and strength by worshipping imaginary gods."

Gladstone raised a hand to interrupt but Sagi shook his head, continuing on, "Yes I realize some gods do exist. Its outside of the point. You see, they gain power through worship and assume that men like myself also must have some god of a darker sort to bow down to. Quite a few have 'accused' me of worshipping demons or monsters, all sorts of things. They don't understand. The power of shadow comes not from the deity but from the self. By learning to exert your own will upon the universe, by focusing on your own power."

Gladstone nodded, "And what does this have to do with t-"

A hand from Sagi silenced him, "Allow me to finish. You see, the forsaken have a belief that through the divine power of the self you can be just as powerful as a god. However, gaining that power is tricky. One walks a line between great power and the finality of death. In the end though... if you succeed power is yours. Power that could crush the Church with undeniable truth."

"Ringmaster, how do we obtain this power.. through the Dark Duel?"

"My friend. We have spent time harvesting corruption. Now its time has come to administer justice as I said. You see, by the Autumn's gathering their little helpers to defeat me.. To defeat one man they prove the existence of my personal power. Its going to be a dangerous road now.."

"But sir, do you think we can survive this?"

"Gladstone. Remember what I told you? We have already shown respect, through this long quiet we have been tenacious. By attempting to call more to fight against us the Autumns have set up a test of my strength, of our strength. Now release the first wave, a taste of the power to come."


Richtnel held out a few papers, "What you asked for Top hat."

Richtnel had been gone for weeks on end, conducting a special mission in Outland. Sagi looked through the papers. Schematics, information, and explanations of the inner workings of the Netherstorm mana forge. "Good work Richtnel... Now, I'm no fan of technology but... I figure it could help our warlocks. And I've already thought of how ."


Gladstone stepped out of the Catacombs, passed the secret entrance. He took a breath of the Duskwood air. It had been a while since he he had been above ground.

Justice lies in the power of darkness.

Gladstone climbed upon his felsteed, already summoned before rushing off. He had long awaited the chance to once again show his might. Now was that chance.
Duskwood, one year ago...

Two forsaken walked away from a place known as Raven Hill, staffs in hand as they paced through the graveyard in the north slowly. The one leading was Shadow Priest Avrand, wrapped in white. These were the days before his 'death' and his promotion, before he was Dark Priest Malvren. The second forsaken, trailing behind and wearing robes weaved of spider-web was Shadow Priest Sozun Croz. He was one of Avrand's faithful followers as well as a servant to his own ambition.

The two had just finished speaking to a human who inhabited the Hill, a 'jitters.' Avrand had continuously questioned him about the location of a specific item, his voice screaming 'Where is the Scythe?' He asked Sozun to torture the man, which the forsaken complied with unquestioningly. However, they found no answers that night.

As they walked Sozun could not let a single question go. He did not understand what his leader was looking for, he had yet to be told what their search was for. "What is this scythe you seek Master Avrand?"

Avrand stopped abruptly, turning to face Sozun, "The scythe... The Scythe of Elune. A weapon that has been lost... One that has... Special. Power. We seek it. It will lead us to... Humanities. Destruction." There were no more words spoken between the two as they continued on. It would be a long trip back to Tirisfal... And an even longer journey to finding this power.

Growing Ambition

Sagi sat at his desk in the Catacombs, rubbing his temples. He had a wide grin on his face, his men helping to add extra security to the Catacombs and reinforce that which was harmed.

We've done it. We've pushed back everyone who tried to fight against us, fight against me. Yes, there were many injuries, blood lost, but it mattered not. This is the personal power I was searching for. Now that they know how dangerous we can be they will think twice.

But one success is not enough. Before we were on the run, now we have the momentum. Its time that we chase them down and crush resistance in the dust. This is only the first step to unlocking my full power, from developing the personal power I seek so dearly. The next must follow now.

Moments later Sagi stood by Gladstone, still recovering from injuries he took during the battle. He looked down at the human, smirking, "The time is now Gladstone. As soon as you've healed, as soon as you're better head out. You and Mistal have a job to do and I will see it done."

Gladstone nodded, "I should be fine after a bit more rest Ringmaster."

"Good. The Campaign should start as planned, work your way up through Kalmidor. You'll draw them all to you that way.. Then, don't stop until you've beaten them all."

"Of course Ringmaster."

Yes. Things are going well. Almost perfect in fact... If not for that single issue. He still exists, he should be gone, a memory now. Yet, I know, somehow he is still trying to influence my thoughts.

Sagi had his hand around Shivala's neck, other hand raised in the air, drawing energy from his shadow form, "You have made your choice and so I've made mine. Mindless servant it is." As his hand reached down toward to Shivala's head it suddenly stopped. Sagi's eyes widened as his shadow form suddenly faded away. And then, from his mouth came the voice that was not his own.

"Run now or I'll kill you. If anyone asks you escaped. If you fight against me I will have no choice but to attack. If you are captured again I will not hold back wrath."

It was him. How did he come back? He's still here, in my mind, my body. And he can still influence my actions.

There has to be a way to rid myself of him for good. Perhaps continuing to search for power is the only way. I must grow strong enough to stop this from ever happening again. Else I may find myself losing control at another pivotal moment.

Sagi returned to his desk, taking a seat. He reached out for the small bronze idol, covered in faded symbols. Taelyn claimed to have took it from a few ogres in the Blasted Lands. Sagi turned the fist-sized item in his hand, "But he couldn't figure out what it does. How useless if I'm unable to."

He put the item down before turning to the stack of books on his desk. Among them was set aside, a book that Berenice had handed him. The forsaken said someone had given it to her but she still couldn't understand it and neither could Redis. Sagi opened the book, first turning the pages rather uninterested. He was ready to toss the book away until the next page.

He shook his head, no longer beleiving what he was reading. Sagi went back through the book, flipping through pages after page, reading it again and again. The rest ended up not mattering though. It was that single passage that caught his attention originally.

..."The Scythe of Elune," one of the Riders shriekded in a voice both harsh and shrill. Like thegrinding of an axe on stone. And the last word -Elune- it croaked, as if choking on the sound.

Dread gripped me when I heard that voice. Both from the horrid sound of it and because... I knew the Scythe of whith the Rider spoke. It must be the same cursed thing I drew from the rocks of Roldand's Doom days before....

So many things have appeared, and all at once. Different sources of power but which is the right one to pursue?

I suppose regardless this is as the forsaken say. With respect and tenacity comes power. I have stayed respectful and tenacious. Now, finally comes my chance at power.
The First Performer

"Aroes must be tested," were Barlton's words. The forsaken was in the Catacombs, speaking to Sagi with Aroes present, the night elf looking at the human for a few moments. "If he is willing to harm Annabelle he may be able to be trusted."

Sagi tossed Aroes a sheath, within a dagger, coated in poison. "Annabelle would take the torture and act as if it were necessary. She wouldn't hold Aroes responsible for such a thing. No, if he wants to be tested, he must kill her."

It wasn't long before the three stood infront of the prison, others having gathered to watch Aroes deliver the blow. Annabelle stared unbelievingly at the human as he entered the prison cell, knife drawn and at the ready. "Remember Aroes," Sagi spoke, "Just a cut to the hand will do it. The poison will start by immobilizing her. Then, a minute later, cold shivers. In the final minute, death." The human nodded back, turning to the deed he was about commit.

Of course, he doesn't realize it. That dagger won't kill little Anna. The poison will bring about the first condition I mentioned. But shivers and death won't come of this. It is simply a way to see if Aroes is loyal. If he is willing to kill her, it would be just as good as killing her.

Aroes slashed with the dagger, cutting Annabelle's flesh. The poison sunk in as Aroes left the cell, Sagi smirking at him, "Well done. But don't go yet. Watch your work Aroes. See as it takes effect." Surely enough Annabelle's body soon went completely limp on the ground. She stared up at the crowd, unspeaking. As Aroes turned to leave again Sagi shook his head, "No, watch till the end."

Of course, the end didn't come, leaving Sagi with a grin as Aroes turned around to question him, "Oh, don't worry about it. Little Anna won't be dying. The poison produces the first effect, not the second. Edgar wanted to test you, I figured this would be appropriate."

As Aroes shuffled off Kimee emerged from the group, walking over towards the cell, "Ringmaster, why didn't you kill her?"

"I have plans for her, better plans. I really want to make a show of things when the time comes."

Barlton walked behind Kimee as she continued to speak, "But her friends will just come after her, come down here again like before. We need to rid the Catacombs of these threats."

Sagi perked a brow, "But, if I do it my way and sucess happens it will end up being much more beneficial. I assure you, there is a method to all this."

Kimee shook her head, "And if you fail then you risk bringing danger to us all. I want her dead before tomorrow morning. If she is still alive or I find that you've failed trouble will come to you."

Sagi nodded with a frown, turning to Annabelle, "Well I suppose that's it then." The poison was finally starting to wear off when Sagi motioned to Naraith, "Grab her. She's coming along with." Naraith did as told while Sagi called to Sasslyn, "Coming Tiny?" The gnome nodded before they all headed above ground, and into Elwynn.

It rained hard in the forest as the four trudged on through the wet grass. Sagi wore the hat Sylvandre put an arrow through in the Catacomb's raid and carried a bag over his back. Sassyln as always was dressed in black, daggers at the ready while Naraith tried to keep Annabelle from escaping as she struggled against his grip.

Sagi walked around, glancing this way and that before motioning to a tree, "That's the spot. Right there." The four moved towards it and Sagi nodded to himself, "Yes. This spot will do nicely. Now, we must set up the scene. A fitting one for the little leader." He motioned to Sasslyn, "Tiny. Gather up some rabbits will you? I think they would look nicely in the picture I'll paint for Anna's grave site."

The gnome grinned, "Alive or dead?"

"Oh, dead. But be careful with the knives. Chest shots or head shots only. You can leave the daggers in them. But try not to get everything too bloody." The gnome nodded, wandering off. Then Sagi turned to Naraith, removing his dagger and pressing the blade against Annabelle quickly to poison her blood once again, "Better. Now she can't move. Sit her down so she leans on the tree."

Naraith nodded, getting to work after the poison took effect while Sasslyn returned with a few rabbits in hand. Sagi motioned with a finger and she put the dead critters around either side of Annabelle, scattering them about the tree. When Naraith finished positioning Annabelle Sagi nodded, "That looks good." He opened the bag he was holding, pulling out a white dress and tossing it to the human, "Put this on her....And make sure you get her in about the same position."

The human grunted before getting to work while Sagi spoke to Sasslyn, though more so to himself, "Still missing something." When Naraith finished Sagi blinked, "Flowers. Get flowers." Moments later Naraith handed Sagi a few hand picked flowers before stepping aside. Sagi held the flowers in his hand, shadow draining the life from them till there where old and brittle. He then tossed them around the scene before walking over to Annabelle, "Not done yet little Anna."

Annabelle looked up as Sagi grabbed a knife and started to crave words into the tree. When he was done he kneeled down next to her, placing a hand on the ground. Like the flowers, he killed the patch of grass Annabelle sat on, shadow magic making the flowers dry and brown. Still kneeling next to her, Sagi turned his head to face Annabelle, "And now, the final part. Your end." Annabelle did not speak, only looked back at Sagi face straight. Except, for the smallest hint of a smile, so small it might have not been there at all, a mere trick of the eyes.

Darkness overtook his body, shifting Sagi into the shadow form he had revealed so often now. He moved his head close, lips next to Annabelle's ear. "Remember why you died Annabelle. You are an example of the disrespect I warned Elwynn of... Perhaps, if there is a next life of some sort, you will learn from your mistake." His voice lowered then, eyes glowing an intense purple. Slowly Sagi opened his mouth, from it a word. A single word muttered, voice so light that it could not be heard. A silent word that need not be spoken.

As the rain cleared and the sun came out the scene awakened, unfolded itself to show the world. It was one that would forever be hard to explain. For you see, off all the things that were decrepit, destroyed, and dead, of all the ruin that lied in that spot, sat Annabelle. In the browns, grays, and blacks was the brightest color white, the color of the dress she wore. Even the pure white rabbits were marred with blood, yet Annabelle laid on that tree, exquisite and pure. There were no scratches revealed, no sense of conflict. In a way, she brought tranquility to the chaos.

And yet, there is a reverse. For as Annabelle lay peacefully, the ruin around her disfigured the scene, killed the beauty. The bloodshed, the gore, the presence of all things deceased. Together they unfolded a story of a world so chaotic that even the purest could not escape the prison bars, bars that clenched tightly until life diminished, and then clenched more until it was extinguished. Yet there was a beautiful world beyond the borders of the massacre, one that could be seen just outside. But death was the separator, an impassable wall to be climbed.

Those who ventured close enough would see Sagi's hat laying about the fray and a few words, written on the tree.

And now The Heretic Circus presents its newest performer, Annabelle the Little Leader.

Look upon the scene, upon little Anna, all dressed in white. Here she lays because she disobeyed one of the virtues I gave you Elwynn. She was not respectful and so it lead to her doom.

And eventually it will lead to the doom of the light.

Death is a tricky thing to wield. It is the most complex of the virtues to master, requiring an even gentler touch than Power. I cannot simply cause death freely, kill and kill and kill anyone in my sight. Such mindless slaughter weakens you. Not only are you purely a monster but a monster who may miss the threat of a stronger opponent coming and be killed himself.

Yet, if I do not kill at all then I risk weakness, both in the eyes of my enemy and in my own mind. When the time comes I might flinch from the moment. And mercy on the weak may just bring you to a day where the weak are now the strong.

Only my a mastery of death, by controlling it can one transcend it. This is why the Forgotten Shadow is truly the greatest of beliefs, the only truth. In others you worship the gods, you bow down to higher powers. But through shadow you have control. The self becomes the god.

And truly, there can be no greater power than godhood. With it, you could achieve anything...

This is why there must now be death. Before the time had not been reached, before I had to Respect and practice Tenacity. But now I've seen my Power, and though it has not developed fully, it is great enough that the killing can finally start. Little Anna was an important death in my mind. But there also must be killings of those who I deem to be weak.

In a way, their deaths now is my way of showing mercy. Best they fade away before the true Power arrives.

One of the small islands in Mirror Lake was their location, a few members of the Circus standing with one of the men who attacked the Catacombs. Carver, the Kaldorei bound. He struggled and resisted but as the rain fell and the group surrounded him, there was no way out. Eventually Naraith stripped him of armor and clothing before tying him to a tree with rope.

Carver stared at the group angrily, but also fearfully, knowing what was to come. Cold rain hit his bare chest, sending his body into shivers as he stood. Carver's hair started to get wet while his belongings we dumped in the lake. Then Sagi motioned to Izshandriel who already had her bow strung and ready, "End him. If you choose to be merciful then make the shot accurate."

Izshandriel held up her bow, looking into Carver's glare, "Any last w-." She smirked, releasing the arrow while speaking again, "Oh yeah, forgot you're a mute."

The arrow came at close range, right on target. Carver's eyes widened for just a moment as the arrow plunged into his chest, pain gripping him. Then the shaft sunk deeper, through his heart before the arrow tip came jutting through his back, just poking the wood of the tree. His eyes contracted before Carver's head hung limply.

Sagi turned his head, motioning to Relon, "Now, if you will. Give him a tomb worth viewing." The draenei nodded. He knew the 'crime' Carver committed as did everyone else. Fighting against them, trying to kill them all. Relon raised his hands up, breathing in and out deeply. The rain and air around Carver started to chill, droplets turning into ice by arcane power. Then he brought his hands together, ice gathering around Carver until it was encased in it. The rain continued to poor down, sliding over Carver's crystal clear encasing.

You were simply weak Carver. Your crime was not one of virtue but the world we build is a world for the strong. Your place is at rest, like the many who have died before you and the many who will die after you.

With that, the group left Carver to his shining prison. It would allow no scavengers to harm his body, to ruin the spoils left... But it also kept those who cared, those who wanted to be closer distanced by the cold ice.

There was little choice for him. If I did not kill him, he probably would have died in those cells. He will serve as another example of why one should not attempt to due battle with the shadow. It is a force much greater than any one being can comprehend. No one can have a force greater than the power that turns men into gods.

How wasteful...death is
A Fragment of Truth

Sagi laid down in bed, hand running through his hair. All he had were his thoughts, his confussion. They were eating away at him without relenting.

I do not understand...

Why is it that he still exists? I killed him. It was over, this should be my body, my life. Yet his mind, his emotions still influence me. This is maddness. Am I going crazy? Can he still walk, do we still share this mind?

Shivala. I should have been able to kill her just as I killed Carver. But I wouldn't do it. He wouldn't let me. The girl is a thorn in my side by simply existing but I could not lay a hand on her. It didn't feel right... Especially knowing that she may actually trust me. Maybe I just didn't have the will to.

And the Autumns... They are a losing force. We've crushed them almost entirely since Annabelle's death. Even if they do bring her back so what? If what I've been told is correct a majority have quit, given up the fight. They're scared. Why shouldn't I just end it? Simple, because he wouldn't want to destroy them... He always believed that everyone could be changed, and utilized.

Even when we killed Annabelle, and Carver afterwards. I heard his thoughts. They were mine for a moment, just appearing in the surface of my mind... 'How wasteful death is.' That's what he said... what may have whispered from my mouth. Its unacceptable.

And now...Cela. Of all the people to meet, why her, why now? She was his teacher before, when he was focused on Elune, on the light. One of many but I know his memories, Cela was the Priestess, the most important teacher he had. And as soon as she appeared, as soon as I... As soon as he knew it was Cela, he took over. I could not regain control.

She spoke of so much. About a duality and...All of it does nothing but make me angrier. I have to find where he is. Somwehere in my mind her still lurks, popping out and taking control when I do not expect it. I don't know how he survived but I cannot allow this to go on. His death must be permanent this time.

Sagi delved into the bowls of his mind. He dived into the dark shadow that was his inner world, eyes searching for the answer. It all changed into the world he knew so well. The chaotic, disordered version of Un'goro that his former self had written about so many times, the world of darkness at war with itself. And the high mountains that surrounded it, encaged it all away from the outside world. Those stunningly beautiful peaks, impassable except for one like him who snuck in without a way.

As Sagi slowly drifted down into this world his form too changed. He became the man of Light, the man he always was. The deciever whose exterior hid a cruel heart. And it was not long before his lovely eyes spotted the boy... chained to the mountains.

It was a strange sight. As the man of Light seemed to stop in the air above, he saw the boy, ugly and terrifying as always. Chains of shining silver were wrapped along his legs and arms, a brace around his neck, binding him to the mountain wall. Such a beautiful mountain, mared by the sight of the boy's hideous form. The man walked up to the boy, gazing down at him with almost unbelieving eyes.

"So then I was right? All this time, you've still been hiding. How is it that you escaped my spear? How is it that you still exist even now... And how do you continue to effect my mind?"

The boy looked at the man, shaking his head. At first the man thought he was afraid, a smirk touching his lips. But then he realized the boy was laughing now, laughing in his face. The man frowned before speaking out again, "Answer me. How did you survive? Why is it that you're still here?"

"You still don't get it? Haven't you been listening to anything that you've said? Anything that you've heard? Even I get it now... And I'm supposed to be the one who was tricked."

"Stop babbling. How are you still alive? We dueled. You were finished."

"You're right. I am finished. You killed me in that duel. I'm dead and gone."

The man of light growled, "Stop the jokes and games. You and I both know you are standing here now. How is it you escaped death?"

The boy attempted a weak shrug, chains making it hard to do much and rattling against the rock, "Annabelle died and it sounds like she's coming back. Perhaps its just the way of the world eh? Can't keep anything down forever it seems.

"I'll not take that as an answer...but you seem unwillingly to give me more. How is it that, bound as you are, you can take control of my mind, weave your way into my thoughts. You forced me to care on numerous occasions... Yet you seem nothing but a prisoner of this world.

Another laugh, followed by another response, "Did you ever think that perhaps Cela was right in some way? That duality exists...purposely? You do have two ears, two eyes, two legs, and all the such just as she mentioned."

"We also only have one mouth."

The boy smirked, "But two voices coming out from it. And you aren't the only one who has two voices speaking in one mind..." He paused before continuing on, "Even the goals we chased after... Blood of men, blood of gods, remember? Plague of both the divine and the moral. And our beliefs, mine to serve the diety... Yours to become it."

"What are you tal-"

"Do you want to know the truth," the boy quickly questioned, cutting him off. As the man stared he continued, "Do you want to understand? Realize why you can't escape this duality? Why you can -never- hope to escape it? At the man's speechlessness the boy only continued to smirk, "Then take a good look at who I really am."

Sagi awakened slowly, eyelids creeping open. It was the first time he had such a dream... since the change. He took his time getting up, staring down at the ground as he put his feet down on the floor. He knew it was more than a mere dream... But he did not understand it.

"He..changed.. He was me. And then... those words." The memory skittered across Sagi's mind, just moving above the surface, becoming for him to see.

"Continue seeking out Power... And then, when you finally reach the Act of Death... You will find the truth out for yourself.

The words came out of Sagi's mouth as if the boy in his dreams had said them himself. It made the kaldorei shiver, holding himself for a few moments. "If power is the only way to truth...then so be it."
Heretic Departure, Wicked Coming


I have taken a few of our members and departed to a new location. In my absence I want Relon to take charge of our station in the Catacombs. This does not mean I will be absent forever but I will be gone quite a while. Relon can continue to keep researchers on task and do well with the power I'm sure. Ensure as well that the next performance happens. Silesta is the target, the writing to be left attached.

As for you, there is a reason I did not put you in charge. Your campaign should begin again. You have work to do Gladstone and you've yet to finish it. Leave the Catacombs and follow the path you set out to from the start. The powers of corruption have been gathered. Now it just takes one to wield their force.

Good Luck,

Gladstone read the note. He called for Relon and gave him new orders. He called for Mordus and had him bring Silesta. It was his time and he would not waste it.

Laying beside a tree in Duskwood as the body of a Blood Elf. Her body looked weak and pale. Her skin was tight to her flesh from weeks of malnourishment, body resembling one who had not seen the light of day for a while. She bore only the injuries and scars of previous abuse, but otherwise, not a mark, not a wound. It was dark magic that killed this elf, and the dark left her there.

The body belonged to a Silesta, and among the dark trees and tainted figures that crawled Duskwood, she looked at home, a ghoulish figure laying with the dark. Death was the shared similarity. Duskwood, lands dead to the Kingdom of Stormwind, lands long forsaken. Silesta, a leader who was long lost to those she lead, dead and forsaken far before the darkness entered her body and ended the slow beat of her heart.

Written on the tree were a few words, left for any who came upon the scene to read.

And now, The Heretic Circus presents its newest performer, Silesta the Relenting One.

Look upon this scene, a weak girl laying among a weakened world. Here she lays because she disobeyed one of the virtues I gave you Elwynn. She was not tenacious. She spent week after week a prisoner, only to give in, only to forget, becoming a weak and useless soul, and so it lead to her doom.

And eventually it will lead to the doom of the light.

When he had finished business in the Catacombs he left in a hurry. It was many days before he reached the Desolace. When he did he charged in on his felsteed. There was no time to assemble others, no time to wait for Mistal or the Circus to aid him. This was it and he knew it. The chance he was waiting for.

This is the time of judgement, the call for justice.

It was Nardor he ran into first, the elf on his saber, stopping right in-front of him, unarmed. The last time they had fought was a bloody affair, but not something new was driving Gladstone on and he would see to it that things went his way. Blasts of fire rained down on Nardor. The elf tried to fight back but soon he was on the ground.

And when he next awakened, hunger for fel had consumed his mind. "Go off and find your allies. Hunt them, bring them to me... And for this reward, I will give you all the fel you desire," came Gladstone's words.

Nardor could say little that would resist the impulse now within his body, the desire he could not seem to shake off. He soon was off in search of his friends, addiction driving him on, forcing him to seek their destruction. But Nardor was not meant to be the tool of their destruction.

He is put a harbinger. His arrival to them is a sign of my coming. I will destroy them all with the power I now know. The power that I can wield.

He rode on for a while longer and then, began work. A summoning circle would be needed... One more complex, more intricate than the last.

In Ashenvale... they defeated me on the bridge to Fel-fire hill. An Infernal was not enough. So it will be more than an infernal that I use this time. The greatest of powers... Enemies cannot stand against me when I call doom to my side.

Justice lies in the power of darkness.

And with the power of darkness now gathered forward, justice will be obtained...

The form was dark a huge, purple wings sprouting from the back, black horns from the head. With it came cruel fire, huge fangs, and dark claws. A few tried to stand before it but the creature was too great. it ripped through men, one after another. Blades would pierce but mere metal made no difference. Whether blood spilled or flesh was cut, it was not the creature that fell.

And then, in the end of it all... Flame poured from its body, consuming it and all its foes in uncontrollable rage. They all felt it, felt their bodies burning in the fires of this beast. They all felt its anger turning flesh to ash and soon they fell, nothing but slaughtered lives, never to be seen again.

One stood on the edge, one, shaking with fear that he could not control. The wicked claws reached for him, pulled him over. Purple wings wrapped around him, darkness surrounded him. When he awoke, when he looked down at the symbols drawn on the ground before him, only fear could enter his mind. And then, the monster walked forth... And then, his cry was heard...

And soon, the cries of many will join that cry of one.
The Third Performer

Cortek, sat in a Stormwind tavern, mug of ale in-front of him. The dwarf was long drunk, sitting happily and humming the songs of his people to himself. He had been staying in Stormwind since his unfortunate run in with a certain Death Knight named Daveius, almost a menth ago.

Into the inn came a man, dressed in a red shirt and brown pants. Older fellow with graying hair and dark skin. Cortek saw him order an ale before walking and taking a seat at his table. Still humming the dwarf took a sip from his own mug before nodding, slurred greetings coming out of his mouth.

"Drinking some dwarfish brew I bet," the human questioned. To this, Cortek answered happily with more slurred words, hard to understand. The man pulled out a small silver bottle, taking a swing before handing it to the dwarf, "Try this out for size." Drunk and in bliss, the dwarf grabbed the little bottle and drained it down to the last drop. To everyone around him it looked like the liquor hit him hard. He stood up and walked out.

The man picked up the bottle and went after him, seeming concerned while in the view of the other tavern goers. He found Cortek not far from a Stormwind alley. The dwarf, though he did not know it, was dying. The man handed him a note, smirk on his face, "You forgot this." He pressed it into the dwarf's hand and balled it up like a fist, "Now make sure you don't drop it."

It would be no more than thirty minutes later that the dwarf would be found dead in an alleyway. The man was nowhere in Stormwind anymore, already headed out of Elwynn. The dwarf lay there a shocking sight. To any onlooker he might have been thought to have drunken himself to death. At least until they dared to take a glimpse at the note he held in his hands.

And now The Heretic Circus presents its newest performer, Cortek, the Weak.

Look upon the scene, a drunken dwarf in a lonesome alley. Here he lays because she disobeyed one of the virtues I gave you Elwynn. He did not seek to improve himself, confident power and so it lead to his doom.

And eventually it will lead to the doom of the light.

And it was true. Yes, the dwarf stood against Daveius so long ago and stopped him. An unknown act of heroism he may never be rewarded for. But then he stayed in Stormwind, hiding away. He feared one thing and one thing alone, death. It was because of this that he did not leave, rather avoiding conflict again. But such a force cannot be kept away. Its judgement cannot be stopped my the mere obstacle of city walls.

It crept into the city and through the form of deadly poison it leapt into Cortek's body and ceased his beating heart. Now, he lays in the city he thought was safe, a tribute to its true safety. Among the litter and rats he is at home. A paladin once in his prime, now in shambles because of a fear to grow and gain.

On the back of the note there was a single phrase.

Feralas will burn, will become a tribute to the desolate area at its entrance.

The stage is set. Gladstone stands ready. Doom is on its way.

Event: Thursday, 12 pm Server time. Anyone is welcome to come though I may limit spots around 7-10 players to keep things from taking far too long. It will be first come first serve. Combat for sure, outcome decided on how you play through!
[Har. I was informed that I put my event at the same time and same day as another... So, I'm moving it to Friday at the same time of 12 p.m.]
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