Conquest of the Horde

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[Image: Emeralddream.jpg]
Where do roots go?
Outland. Once the windswept world of Draenor, origin of the orcs. A cradle of life not part of the Emerald Dream or just not part of our Dream. Perhaps a haven from the influence of the Nightmare and it's twisting wickedness. Nevertheless a world of opportunities and secrets unraveled.

Druids of the Cenarius still hold their sway over nature as they tread onto the remains of Draenor. But it is not Azeroth and the Ancients seem far away. Many are the children of the forest that are troubled here. The Beast is wary on the verge of flight and Life held so intimately is veiled by distance and unknown.
Tasks at hand
  • Inquire Cenarion Expedition about the events
  • Keep a watchful eye on Umbra and the other druids
  • "Should they be sent home?"

Summary of knowledge
Each and every druid that have joined the pilgrimage experience this "veil" that seem to separate them from the Emerald Dream and their powers. One druid cannot stay in her ursine form for more than a few minutes while another has lost his ability to summon and control vines and thorns. Effects differ between individuals but all are suffering from these anomalies.

On their journey through Zangarmarsh the party came across a pair lost ones in the guise of kaliris, bird native to Outland. While one fled the other assumed his true shape and threatened the pilgrims with the power of "the Great Bird" before attacking, despite being severely outnumbered.

When the pilgrimage set off into Terokkar it was noted by several members that the wildlife avoided them and even fled their path. Though during their trek back to civilization a week later, it became clear that it was not the group they cowered before, but the druidess Umbra. She did not know why and no reason was found.

Yet another week passed before Umbra addressed her worries to anchorite Telah. She spoke about how the urge of the Beast strengthen on this world and the fear of losing control, assuming any shape was a risk. Dreams had plagued the elf but the druidic element made Telah draw the conclusion it was not the same has his.

Nexi and Telah visited a pond right outside Shattrath to perform a shamanistic ritual. Above circled a druid in the shape of a stormcrow, shrieking at the two and diving very low towards them. The bird identified as Umbra became a panther and pounced the draenei, who managed to reject the feline but not entirely without injury. As the druidess awoke she said she remembered nothing but that she felt "incredible".

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