Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Talk about favorite lore, and history of Warcraft.
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Okay so I just had the idea to make a topic for people to come and talk about favorite lore, or maybe anything they've particularly liked in Warcraft history. Maybe other people who want to learn about lore can come and read other's stories, that kind of thing. I personally like draenei's lore and how their race was evolved.
I also like the Draenei lore. but my favourite lore pieces are the Rise of Arthas and I'm also very fond of Sylvanas lore. Why? Because I love sad histories and when they involve the fall of a hero, that makes it even better. I love almost every piece of Warcraft lore. It's wonderful lore, really. not as good as Star wars lore, but still really freaking awesome.
Anything with the Old Gods or the Blue Dragonflight.
Honestly, I like the gnome lore the most. I know, I know, im a gnome obsessive but their lore is part of the reason why!

Everyone mocks them but they are surprisingly brave and tragic, with the fall of gnomeregon, they didn't ask for help as they didn't want to take troops away from the alliance, so they try to defend their city alone, and lose 80% of their people, as well as their home. I call them noble heroes, even if they are pintsized!
The thing with the Vrykul and especially the quest chain about Hodir and the Frostvrykul. The quest chain starts with the Hildegardthings. I don't know the name, but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

Sadly, the story is stolen from some legends of a nothern religion, which means, that it wasn't Blizzards idea. After all, they did a good thing on stealing it, instead of thinking of something total absurd again, like the strange way they implemented the Draenei and a lot of other content, which I barely approve.
I've always been a huge fan of incredibly early azeroth history like thw war of the ancients, loved the alternate time-line where Rhonin goes back and fights in said war.
I always like reading about the lore about Sargeras and the creation of the Burning Legion. I also like the story of Aegwynn/Medivh. There's obviously more, but those two are my favorites for some reason.