Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: OOC Professions supplementing IC?
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A voted no for basically the same reason the other 'nos' have been. OOC and IC should be separated indefinitely. To me this seems like the equivalent of PvP versus roll fighting. Sure you can take the time to learn how to PvP, spend countless hours grinding away, dueling people, doing arenas etc. etc. but in the end it's simply OOC just like grinding at a profession would be.. Sure you get the flashy items (The equivalent of actually seeing the spells in a PvP fight), but in the end it honestly doesn't matter all that much, what we lack in the physical item we can make up for in GHI.
Seems that the votes are pretty much yes's. I vote no, however. It's pretty much just because I'm lazy, and wouldn't do that much for my characters.
I.. say... nay...

Levelling a profession is, in my opinion, one of the most drudgerous and un-entertaining parts of this game. In a world where armor is easily accessible with a command and a few "numbers atleast 20000 or over," there really isn't much impetus to level any professions.

Perhaps herbalism or alchemy might be useful, but production of armor and weapons just seems to be a practice in slowly wasting time on a server meant for some great RP experiences.
I think that people should be auto profession level'd if they apply for it. The same way that grunts are given level 80, people who apply for their character to be a blacksmith should get a high blacksmith level without having to work for it.
As I recall, we lack the abilities to boost players' profession levels. Furthermore, auto-leveling people's professions would undermine part of the benefit from switching emulators; Trinity Core is far more like retail in terms of function, allowing for people to pursue things like professions, raiding, and PvP.
I voted no, for I always had a 'dream' of opening a IC business, but that was when IC money existed and worked. What I would have done with this business, is make GHI items, or something, and sell them for low prices. Then, people could sell them again and again.
I very much think yes.
For one, if I seek out somebody of a certain profession I entirely expect them to be able to make whatever it is I'm looking for. .addrpitem and the GHI thing are pretty cool and great for things that don't actually exist, but they're hardly replacements for going through the real effort and time it takes to actually produce something that does exist.
For two, I actually rather like the various professions. And leveling them while still at minimum partially IC. If you don't like leveling them IC or hate collecting mats that nifty ship on GM island is amazing for shuffling through fast. I really think that if you put time and effort into leveling the profession (however you choose to do it, IC or OOC) that someone else who's never spent a day with it, or for that matter even learned the profession, should not be able to come along claiming to be a Master of X or Y and likely better than you at it (particularly if you're a modest sort).
There's no reason you can't still be creative while still having the OOC ability to back it up, such as a tailor "making" an item for someone who just uses the .addrpitem function when the item is "done". Or that you can't claim a profession that literally doesn't exist in the game (such as a Scholar), since it shouldn't limit you to only what is available.
I like profressions they add a depth to the character. A gunner able to maintain their gun via engineering. Druid mixing herbal remedies. Mages writing scrolls and doing research. Weaponmaster warrior forging swords and etc. Of course you can do those things without the actual professions but I've seen it happen that someone's faivored character suddenly masters every possible skill.

I like to make OOC skills and stats more of a guidline how to make up strenghts and weaknesses for my characters

Edit Note: I am speaking more than just the professions everythging in the character sheet, from abilities, to spells and talents. To me anyway,they've always been a guidilne to as what the character can do and cannot do.
I think we should be able to do the same effect without having to level to get the ability up to a certain point. There is something called using your imagination, and there's going to be many times in game where we emote something that can't be expressed by an OOC function.
I think this is a step in the " /e pulls out his [item]45205[/item] and bares his teeth as he charges tusks-forward, howling cusses in troll that are, of course, muffled by his fully socketed [item]50701[/item]. /pvp " direction.

Exageration aside, if OOC effort is needed to have an IC profession, it should at least be allowed that GHI-effort counts as such.

I don't think the 'let's use what Trinity has' argument works. It's a sunken costs argument. I doesn't make more sense to do something than it did before because it would then lend more value to a previous action.

When I invite my friends over, I want to be able to tell them: "It's basically free-form RP in the WOWverse, no game-effects hinder the RP" and not have to add "Except for professions." It's just odd that we'd let players RP level 70 spells and abilities ICly but not something as tame as X-crafting or Y-working.

Edit: I do agree that toss-away characters are a problem, and would welcome a means of making characters more long-lived. I just don't think this is it.
I don't really see a need for OOC professions being related to IC, but on the same hand I could see a need for it, to just basically put your money where your mouth is type thing, but it would seem like it would restrict RP yes. But I could see someone not wanting to level their profession, or wanting to level some completely other profession, like a IC smith OOC alch, just to craft potions to mail to another character just because he's on the IC smith more then his other character...

Now I probably don't make sense as many things I try to voice my opinion on seem to never make sense, but I try.
Chainged my vote to indifferent. I actually see only merits having the profession to pack up IC, but I dont actually see why not have it, and RP having it anyway?
Quote:A voted no for basically the same reason the other 'nos' have been. OOC and IC should be separated indefinitely. To me this seems like the equivalent of PvP versus roll fighting. Sure you can take the time to learn how to PvP, spend countless hours grinding away, dueling people, doing arenas etc. etc. but in the end it's simply OOC just like grinding at a profession would be.. Sure you get the flashy items (The equivalent of actually seeing the spells in a PvP fight), but in the end it honestly doesn't matter all that much, what we lack in the physical item we can make up for in GHI.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Edit #1: A thing I'd like to add though, is this would actually make your -level- play into your roleplaying. Which I believe should not be a factor. As in, a level 1 with no money will actually have to level himself, and the profession. Something I've heard many times by players is, 'level does not matter.'

Edit #2: I'd also like to say in example, if I just started this server and I wanted to roleplay a blacksmith, instead of getting right into it. I'd either have to wait a month for gruntship and insta-80 for the 3,000 gold, or waste my first week of playing, actually leveling.
I came to this server to roleplay and not spend my time leveling professions. As fun as it may sound to buy items and run around a flying ship and click the craft button countless times, It doesn't sound very appealing to me. There's also the fact that there are a great load of professions out there that aren't supported by the game engine. You can easily claim to be a master mason but you have to get a high level of herbalism to pluck a few plants from some soil.
Errata Wrote:I came to this server to roleplay and not spend my time leveling professions. As fun as it may sound to buy items and run around a flying ship and click the craft button countless times, It doesn't sound very appealing to me. There's also the fact that there are a great load of professions out there that aren't supported by the game engine. You can easily claim to be a master mason but you have to get a high level of herbalism to pluck a few plants from some soil.

I agree with this.
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